Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Chanel watched tv while I sat watching her from a distance. She didn't care to play with me or talk to me. I sighed and just walked over to her and sat down.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Chanel." I said.

"That's my name..."

"Where did Donald go."

She ignored me and kept watching tv.

"Chanel." I said softly.

No answer.

"Chanel!" I screamed.

"What?" She yelled.

"Where did Donald go?" I screamed.

"Where ever he went he ain't here with you." She said rolling her eyes.

My lip started to quiver as I looked up at her. One tear, two tears, then finally I started to bawl my eyes out.

"Oh my god! Shut the hell up!" She yelled.

I cried even louder as she sighed.

"Kid, I understand you miss yo daddy but he isn't here." She said.

I walked away upstairs and laid in Donald's bed worried about him.

~Donald's View

Sitting with Ana in the car for about thirty minutes has been awkward. She wore the little red dress I loved on her. It fit her perfectly as her hair laid to one side. Her lips were a plump, juicy, red. She talked to me and we laughed a bit. But one thing she couldn't stop doing was asking about Julie. She seemed to care about her so much. Not more then me though.

"We are here!" She screamed.

We got out the car and she handed her key to a man in a suit. There was a long line. A very long line. Instead of going to the back we cut through the front. People cheered as they saw Ana. She blew them a kiss and waved.

What was she even getting all this attention for?

"Um Ana." I said as she covered my eyes.

She pushed me in through the door slowly and everyone shouted surprise. She took her hands off my face there stood a famous publisher, Mark Convict, holding a book in his hand. My name was on the book! I didn't even know how it got on a book!

"Hello Mr.Glover. I read your work and I am a fan of you. Your work is just peaceful and takes me back to good nostalgia I haven't had since my wife passed. You've taught how to not take things for granite and that it's more to this world then just basics."

He stopped shaking my hand and all I could do was stand there with my mouth wide open.

"And this young beautiful lady right here is a sweetheart. She introduced me to your work." He added in.

"Surprise!" Ana smiled.

"Thank you." I said hugging her. "But how and why?"

"When you emailed me a book you finished a while ago to read. I couldn't stop reading. Then I thought I've done you so wrong. So I got it published for you."

She pulled away from me and signaled the bouncer.

"Let's get this party aka book signing started!" She yelled.

~Julie's View

"Chanel!" I yelled.

I wondered downstairs from my crusty eye nap looking for Chanel. She wasn't on the couch nor anywhere else to be found. The front door was open and her piercings were on the ground next to a sticky note. A sticky note I couldn't read.

This was horrible.

I was left alone.

Home alone.

I started to panic and saw a car pull up in the driveway. I ran and closed the door. I tried to lock it but my tears got in the way as my finger shook. The doorbell rang and I screamed.

"Go away!" I yelled.

"Julie open the door." They said.

"How you know my name?"

"It's Chance."

"I still can't open the door."

The door opened up and Chance looked at me.

"Where's Donald?" He asked.

"I don't know?" I sniffled.

"Who were you home with?"

"The girl left me." I frowned.

~Chance's View

I pulled out my phone and dialed Donald's number.

"Hello?" I heard him say.

"Where are you?"

"The question is where are we? Do we even know? We could be lost?"

"You been drinking?" I asked.

"And smoking nigga! I'm high as-."

"Donald is busy." I heard Ana say.

"Nice to hear back stabbers voice again. What you drug Donald with this time?"'

"Not really nice and I didn't drug him...just got him drunk and high."

"Like that sounds a lot better."

"Don't act like you don't want me." She giggled.

"You serious? No one wants yo O'l deep throat pussy popping broke ass. You still stealing government benefits." I said covering Julie ears.

She hung up and I called back.

"Stop calling." She said irritated.

"Bring Donald home."

"No, you ain't his momma nor daddy."

"But there is a child home alone. In his house."

"Okay and? Not my fault the girl left."

"Who you think he gonna be mad at?"


I hung up and looked at Julie.

"You kept saying Ana. Donald's with Ana?" She asked me.

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