Chapter 5

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In Auradon. At the castle

"Daddy! I want mommy! Where's mommy? When is she coming back home?" Maddie cried for the millionth time that week.

The VKs left a week ago and hadn't come back yet. Ben was starting to get worried and what worried him more was the phone call he received from Evie the day they left.

A week ago

Ben sat in the playroom watching the children play along with Doug, Lonnie and Jane. They were waiting for any of the VKs to call and inform them what was happening.

It was night time now. They had left in the morning but still hadn't called yet.

"Do you think they are in trouble?" Jane asked, quietly so the children don't  hear her.

"No, maybe they are just busy and forgot." Ben reassured her.

Over on the isle

"Take them to the dungeon, I will be there after I speak with the other parents." Maleficent orders her goons.

"No! NO!" Evie shouts as she is dragged away from the balcony.

Mal kicks the leg of the minion holding onto her and he let's go of her to grab his leg. Mal runs towards the person holding Evie but before she even gets there someone grabs her waist and holds her off the ground. Still unable to talk Mal can only fight against the person holding her. Curious as to who is holding her she looks back and visibly pales seeing Jafar is the person holding her. She starts kicking harder and panicking but he only tightens his grip.

"Mal!" The other three shout as they were still being dragged away.

"Take those three to the dungeon!" Maleficent orders, "It seems I have to teach her another lesson, I guess taking her voice was not enough." She says turning to face Mal. These words cause Mal to freeze as looks at her mother in panic.

The now three VKs are dragged into the dungeons and thrown into the biggest cell there.

"Evie? EVIE!" A voice shouts before Evie is tackled to the ground in a hug.

"Dizzy! Are you okay? I was so worried! Where's Celia? And Uma?" Evie asks so fast that Dizzy doesn't have a chance to answer.

"Evie slow down I'm okay, Celia and Uma are over there." Dizzy says, pointing over to them,"Is that how you feel when I overload you with questions?" She asks Evie curiously.

Evie looks over at Celia and Uma and waves before looking back to Dizzy and nodding at her question.

"Hey blue princess where's your purple counterpart?" Uma asked, using nicknames to disguise her worry, which didn't really help much.

"She was fighting against her mother and ended up getting herself into trouble when coming to the dungeon." Jay answered for Evie seeing that she didn't want to talk about it.

"Is she going to be okay?" Celia asked worried for Mal. Evie shrugged looking at the wall avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"Don't know," Evie replies, "Hey guys we should probably call Ben and the others tell them what is happening over here." Evie says to Jay and Carlos. They just nod in agreement

"What do you mean?" Uma asked.

"Maleficent took control of the isle again and put a non-magic proof barrier up trapping everyone on the isle in." Carlos explains.

Evie takes her phone out and dials Ben's number. He picks up after the first ring.

"Hello Evie you are on speaker. Is everything alright what took so long to call?" Ben asks. 

"Hey ummm... Ben please don't panic but Maleficent is back and she has taken over the isle again. "Evie says.

"Are you at least safe and planning a way to defeat her?" Doug asked.

"Umm... about that we've been... how do I say this ummm.... captured by our parents." Evie says.

"WHAT!?" All four of them shout. "Is Mal with you?" Ben asks.

"What about Jay and Carlos?" Jane questions.

"Jay and Carlos are fine.... Mal on the other hand is ummm...."Evie pauses trying to think of how to say this but before she could think of anything the phone disappears from her hand. Evie turns around quickly only to find her mother, Maleficent and Mal standing outside the cell. Maleficent had her phone in her hand with her other hand holding onto a terrified looking Mal with a black eye and bruising cheek.

"I'll keep this," She says, looking down at the screen,"oh and it's the king of Auradon let's deliver a message shall we," she continues putting the phone on speaker, "Oh Benny if you haven't heard already I rule the isle now and have put up a barrier. I suggest you don't try to fight me, remember your wife's life is in my hands, isn't that right Mal?" Maleficent says squeezing Mal's arm more causing her to whimper but she doesn't say a word.

"Mal are you okay? Say something!" Ben panics.

"Protect Madison." Is all Mal says before ending the call.

"Now I  will be keeping this and..." Maleficent pauses before Jay, Carlos and Mal's phone fly into her hand,"...these. If I catch anyone of you with a phone again you will regret it." She warns before unlocking the cell pushing Mal inside and locking it again. "Enjoy the night, work starts at midnight." She says walking out with Evil Queen.

"Mal are you okay? What happened?" Evie asks, hugging Mal along with everyone else in the cell.

"I'm fine but I don't want to talk about it." She whispers crawling out of the group hug and going into the darkest corner of the cell, "Go to sleep you heard what she said and you and I both know she isn't playing around." she says barely above a whisper turning away from them. Evie just sighs and signals everyone to do what they were told.


Ben could not stop thinking about Mal's last words before she ended the call.

After the call he had tasked Jane, her mother and Hades with finding a way to break down the barrier. So far there had been no success but it was a work in progress. Right now, there was only one thing Ben knew he could do... Protect Madison.

He looked down at his crying daughter and picked her up. "Don't worry baby mommy is okay. I don't know when she will be back but it will be soon, I promise." He tells her.

"Pinky pwomise?" Maddie says, holding up her pinky. 

"Pinky promise." He tells her.

The room fills with the sound of someone knocking on the door.

"Come in."

"Ben, you called for us." Belle says, entering the room with her husband.

"Yes, mom, dad I have decided that I am going to ban any entrance to the castle except for Audrey, Doug, Lonnie, Jane and their children. No one other than them are to enter the castle Maddie, David, Lexi and Jaimee are to be home schooled and Maddie will not leave this castle premisis under any circumstances for her safety." He says.

"But Ben you can't just lock her in the castle forever." Beast(Adam) warns.

"I CAN AND I WILL!" Ben shouts causing his parents to jump back in shock and Maddie  to jump out of her fathers hands and hide behind her grandmother. "I lost Mal already, I am not loosing Maddie as well. "He whispers.

"Ben-" Belle whispers, picking up her terrified and sobbing granddaughter.

"No! This is not up for discussion. I need you to get Maddie situated and inform Hades of the the new changes."

His parents sigh but nod leaving the room  with a sobbing Madison.

Hey guys 😊 thank you for reading the next chapter will be out soon. 😊
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