Chapter 12

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"Ugh where is it?" Maddie mutters to herself while rummaging in the closet for her mom's jacket. She was looking for it so she could go out with her friends today. They had all decided to wear their parents jackets for the day.

"Looking for this purple crayon?" Ashley asks walking into the room causing Maddie to turn towards her.

"Ashley, give that back. It doesn't belong to you." Maddie says, reaching to grab the jacket.

"How about no, at least for now," Ashley says moving the jacket out of her grasp.

"Ashley I'm serious, you know how important that jacket is, it belonged to my mother. You have to stop taking it,"

"Oh you mean the same mother who left you?" Ashley mocks, smirking.

Maddie could feel her anger rising and with her anger came her eyes glowing neon green.

"Ugh, not this again," Ashley complains, now use to Maddie's eyes glowing out of her control, "You really are a freak, just like your mother." Ashley says.

"She is not a freak, she only left to protect Auradon!" Maddie screams, balling her fists, not noticing the purple smoke coming out from her hair and fists.

"Oh really? Is that why she never came back?" Ashley says, trying to get the conversation back under her control, but only serving to anger Maddie more, "Face it Maddie your mother abandoned you."

Maddie paused, pain visible in her eyes, and, for a moment, it seemed like Ashley had succeeded, but then Maddie screamed lunging forward to attack Ashley. Before she even reached her target a purple light flashed across the room.

Maddie froze trying to make sense of what had just happened, but all thoughts of that disappeared when she noticed Ashley unconscious on the other side of the room. The purplette ran across her room straight to the, now unconscious, brunette.

"Ashley wake up, wake up please." Madison begs in panic, shaking the unconscious girl.

"What happened? I hea-" Audrey starts walking into the room but freezes when she sees her daughter unconscious. "WHAT DID YOU DO!? GET AWAY FROM HER!" Audrey screams, running to her child pushing Maddie away. 

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to... I got angry and... and-" Maddie couldn't finish her sentence, too frightened and confused to say anything.

"Maddie, what happened in here?!" Ben asks, walking into the room with his parents as they were worried when they heard screaming and a crash.

"I-I-I..." Maddie stutters but cannot get the words out. In a panic she runs into her grandmother's arms crying into her chest.

"Your daughter cannot control her anger and knocked my daughter unconscious Ben!" Audrey screamed.

"Maddie is that true!?" Ben asked, glaring at his distraught daughter.

Maddie shook her face removing it from her grandmother's chest looking up at him, "No it was an accident, I couldn't find mom's jacket and Ashley came in with it but refused to give it back, then she said it was just something mom gave me before she left me. I got angry and she said that I was a freak like mom and that I should just face facts that mom abandoned me. That pushed me over the limit and I lunged forward resulting in a purple fire like energy surrounding the room, next thing I knew she was there, on the floor, unconscious. I didn't mean to do anything it was an accident." Maddie explained. 

Belle looked at her son with a knowing look. They knew Maddie's magic was powerful but until today they didn't know how powerful.

"Damnit Madison! How many times have fairy godmother and I warned you about letting your emotions control your magic!" Ben shouts, causing Maddie to retreat back into her grandmother's arms.

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