Chapter 8

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To my dearest Anna

I hope this letter finds you well. I have no idea how you found out about my predicament in fighting the bandit with the cursed blade, but without your assistance I would surely be dead now. I'm writing to let you know that I'm fine, A little bruised and heart sore yet fine all the same. I know you are probably still fretting, please don't and say hello to Garend and  Lysandra for me . Stay safe, happy, and healthy

All my love to you and the little ones
Your dandelion Prince

Smiling Tristan closed the little black notebook with a thumb, hoping to see a corresponding message from his sister by Sunset. The residual lethargy from the curse still weighed heavy on him, a led weight on his usually pleasant post Battle mood. Dark musings and insecurity that had squirmed free from their cage at the behest of the curse were not too keen on being returned to their prior state of inactivity. Nightmares plagued him and a self-consciousness about his form, one that hadn't particularly bothered him in quite a while, had him cursing certain body parts and wishing for others.

Sighing quietly Tristan slipped the notebook back into his saddlebags, before stripping down to his chest binder and underpants in spite of the little voice screaming at him to, "Stay covered up you bloody idiot! What if someone sees you?"

Tristan replied to his more paranoid side by traipsing out into the river, Long dagger in hand. "It's the middle of the damn forest," He murmured allowed, finding a good size rock and taking up Position. "No ones going to be out here."

For an indeterminate amount of time Tristan stood motionless, waiting with eyes trained on the water. Fishing like this was a true exercise in patience that had caused him no small amount of frustration as a younger man, Learning it from the seemingly endless well of serenity that was his master. The amount of concentration the activity took always helped to clear his mind when life chose to be a bit too overwhelming, Plus success meant a hot meal.

So focused on catching dinner was he, that Tristan didn't notice The woman that walked quietly from the woods until she spoke. "Oh my! Err... pardon me."

Gasping he twisted around in alarm, managing to lose his footing and topple backwards with a curse into the water. The river was not warm despite the summer heat and he found himself scrambling onto the large flat rock he had stationed himself near, teeth chattering. He almost immediately Dove back off however, upon remembering his current state of undress.

"Uh... good day madam!" he called in way of greeting, folding his arms up on top of the rock in hopes of protecting his Secret and gaining a little warmth. "Perfect afternoon for fishing wouldn't you say?"

"Yes it is," the woman agreed, startled expression smoothing. "You're not from around here are you?"

"I can't say I am!" Tristan replied, realizing only after speaking that his voice had slipped into a higher register. "Erm... would you mind turning around?"

"Oh! Of course... my apologies sir! " The woman blushed, fingers running nervously through her light brown hair as she turned away.

Tristan was out of the water in an instant, trading wet clothes for dry ones and wishing he traveled with more than one binding vest. Instead a roll of Silk cloth did the trick, A method that was less comfortable and less functional, but it would work until his preferred garment was no longer dripping with river water.

"All right I am decent!" Tristan called, walking out from behind his horse and touching a finger to the amulet around his neck in thanks for it's necessary subterfuge..

The woman turned, dark green dress swirling around her ankles and gaped, Grey eyes fixed on his crest where it glistened in the afternoon sunlight. "You're a knight?"

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