Chapter 1

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The holidays were over , it was in September and this was our third term of the year. My parents accompanied my brothers and l to school. We learn at a mutant boarding school called Dundalk Mutant High School in this small town. Dundalk is one of the A-star mutant schools in my country and in the whole continent. The school trains mutants how to control their powers , how to fight and it also teaches mutants normal studies like Maths ,Literature ,Sciences etc. Jamie is in his first year and next year will be in his second year, Tony is in his fifth year, is a Vindicate and next year will be in his final year and I am in my third year. In third year mutants are divided in two groups ,Vindicates and Career Mutants ,in their final exams in November. In fourth year they also write examinations and have their battles between one another so that they are able to go for the Final two year level. Vindicates are these special mutants that can fight and control their powers perfectly. They are not soldiers but they fight for the country and are the most fierce and dauntless mutants. Career mutants are mutants that are trained to have a career with the jobs they desire and some of them work for the Vindicates office as ICT engineers , doctors, apothecaries etc.

When we arrived Tony went to the senior year boys' hostels and Jamie went to his hostel. Kaylee, my classmate , hostel mate and one of my 6 closest friends, came rushing to me and gave me a hug that almost knocked me down.

Kaylee: what's up roomie

Me: (smiling) hey Kaylee. Am l the late one again this time?(frowning)

Kaylee: (laughing) don't worry next year you might be the first one eyy

We headed to our rooms and l found my 4 girlfriends and my bestie Maria waiting for me. We sleep in one room in the third and fourth year girls hostel. There are 4 rooms in the hostel and 7 beds in each room. There is a total of 28 girls for the third year and fourth year.

Grace, Blue ,Nixxa , Dineo and Maria came running towards me and gave me a big strong hug which made us fall on to the ground.

Me: (laughing) guys you killing me here.

Maria: (laughing a little) we missed you eyy and you are late young lady.(fake frowns)

Me: l am sorry and you all know that my parents do not want to drive early in the morning.

Grace: its okay lala ,so where is your hot brother (smirks)

We all laughed at Grace and her already-red-blushing-face. Grace has got this crush on Tony which I find kind of weird. Its really weird if my close friend dates my brother but who am l to say no when I know exactly that Tony also has got a crush on Grace. He always asks for Grace's well being and everything that concerns her too. Its like l am the messenger for both of them.

Anyway, my friends are also mutants. Grace can make screams that can make one weak, Nixxa is flexible and can pass through any hole , small ,big or round, Blue is one of the fastest mutants at our school, Dineo can talk to any animal ,she is like a animal whisperer, Kaylee can make tree roots come out from underground and Maria can make a storm even on the sunny days . Just a team of powerful teen girlfriends

I packed my bags and everything else . My friends and l went to the classrooms to meet everyone else.

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