Chapter 10

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I was so happy to see my uncle. He is like my father and I believe my real father gets jealous sometimes because of the love I have for my uncle. When I saw him in the dining room waiting with a big smile, l attacked him with the biggest and warmest hug ever!

Uncle D: how are you my baby (smiling)

Me: I missed you uncle Derrick (pouting my lips)

Uncle D: (with a huge smile) you know I missed you too honey.

I released him from my embrace. My mom shouted for me to come and pack my bags. I totally had forgotten about that because I was only thinking about uncle Derrick.

Uncle Derrick said he was going to spend the whole week with me until I go back to school since he missed me a lot.After dinner I decided to talk to Uncle Derrick about the nightmares. I don't know but I just wanted to know more about this as soon as I can because every time I would think about them I would sense danger.

I went and sat next to him on the couch in the dinning room. He was watching football with dad like always.

Me: uhm sorry uncle but is it okay if we have our chitty chat now?

Uncle D: sure why not. (Looking at my dad) please excuse us Dan. (Short for Daniel- my dad's name)

Dad: yeah sure I will update you when you come back Derrick. (Winks)

I always question why dad listens to uncle Derrick all the time and let him be a"second" father figure to me. I am sure not my uncle's daughter since we don't even look alike. My powers are the only things l got from my uncle.

I am more of my mom , just as beautiful as she is and a bit of my dad especially the nose. By the way, Uncle Derrick and dad are brothers , half-brothers actuall, they both have the same father but different mothers. Uncle Derrick is the older brother followed by my dad and lastly my aunt who rarely visits since her job does not give her too much time to visit even my grandparents. Uncle Derrick does not have children nor is he married. He is so single you think he probably has a problem. He once told me about his past relationships which he says all ended up him being betrayed so that's why he prefers to be single. He said I am the daughter he never had and there is no reason he would want to have some more children because I'm enough. If you hear his story you would think he is probably lonely but actually he is the happiest man in this world and he has so many friends that he loves a lot.

We went to my room and sat on my bed.

Me:(looking at him) so I think you already know about the nightmares and the counselling right?.

Uncle D: yes your father told me my Moonlight. (We both smiled)

I really missed him calling me his Moonlight. It made me so happy.

Uncle D: (putting on a concerned face) Moonlight there is something you should know.

Me: is anything wrong Uncle Derrick(confused)

Uncle D: nothing is my daughter but its just that everyone in life have their own destiny and fate. Just like your brother Tony he wrote his own destiny by becoming a Vindicate like he always wanted to be but he can't change his fate of being bipolar. [Ooh by the way Tony is bipolar , that's why he almost killed Isaac]

Me: what are you trying to say?

Uncle D: shh listen. All you want to be is a normal mutant and you want to follow your brother's footsteps and that's a right thing to do. I really admire that but you can't change your fate Lainey.

When he called me by myname I knew exactly something was really wrong.

Uncle D: ( holding my hand).whatever l am going to tell you now I know exactly you won't take it easy but its time you should know your fate. (Looking me straight into my eyes) but before I do tell you just know that your parents and l tried to help you so much. ( sighs)

I couldn't say anything because I was so eager to know what my "fate" is and I was really scared.

Uncle D: Umm Lainey, you were born a normal child and very beautiful as you are now (smiling). When you were three years old you met this boy called Heven in kindergarten. You guys were the best of friends and luckily you guys were both mutants . I even started calling him my in-law (laughing). When you turned four and he was five his mother got very ill to the point of death. This was really tragic and we all felt sorry for the young boy. Your parents, you and l went to visit her when she was discharged from the hospital since the doctors couldn't do anything. The mother was so happy to see you but suddenly her mood changed and she looked so sad. She had the ability to see the future, she was sort of a psychic. So her sudden change of mood made us so concerned. When we asked her what was wrong she said, "12 years from now our two children shall fight a war against evil, a mutant uprise. This will be a great war for many shall die and many shall deceive us.( looking at my uncle) try to separate our children so that this shall not be fulfilled. People shall be greedy for power and this will cause a massive war. Our children are the answer to peace for this and I have seen their struggle and pain. Derrick l have put their safety in your hands. I know they are bound to fight this war but try as much as you can to stop this please!!". (Sighs)(uncle derrick looking at me) We tried Lainey but it seems that you have both reconciled and found your way to each other and this vision has now began. When Heven's mother died we erased some of your memory together but then its coming back which means we failed her. Honey, that boy you were saying you saw in your dreams is Heven. He has been learning at Everton mutant's high school. He knows us as his mother's friends and now he knows you are his closest childhood friend. He is your guardian to this war Lainey. I am sorry my baby but this is your fate and it has already began. (Looking sorry)


I didn't know what to say because I couldn't believe my nightmares are actually true. The twelve years said are next year and that means I will have to fight a war against mutants when l am in my 4th year. Uncle Derrick left me in my room since he thought it was better to leave me with my thoughts about this. Strangely , all my memories about Heven when we were kids started to come back and I could actually remember him. I went to sleep with stress and depressed because I was not ready for this. Why did Heven's mother leave such a terrible vision like this?!!

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