Chapter 14

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They started shooting at us. One of the evil mutants who had Jamie's ability started shooting fire balls at us.Heven helped Tony up and we started running. We used our powers to dodge and fight some of the 'bad guys'.

Everything went on so fast and it was all a real nightmare. I wanted to escape, l wanted it all to be a dream just like all the dreams l had and wake up. I guess it was really happening because it didn't stop. Seeing a lot of people die including some of my friends was messed up. I swear I even saw Grace and Dineo get shot and I just couldn't cry because I couldn't believe it.

We ran as fast as we could into the woods. Heven was leading the way and I guess he knew where we were going because he seemed too sure about his direction. We reached the road and I was so tired. I stopped and Heven and Tony came to me as if something was wrong.

Tony: Hey are you okay? (Worried)

Me: (sigh) l am just tired

Heven: We are almost close just bear it for a second (pleading eyes) please

Me: OK , where are we going first?(looking up at him)

Heven: Just a small bridge down the road. We can be safe there for a minute. Then we can go to an asylum I prepared after we find some more survivors

Tony:Asylum? (Confused)

Heven: yes.l was prepared for this. Thought she told you.

Tony: Nobody told me anything. You guys have a lot of explaining to do.

Me: Yes but don't you think right now is the time for us to move. Those evil things might catch us. I bet they saw us running this side.

Heven: Yes we have got to run.

I stood up and continued running again. We arrived at the bridge and we went under it. The water was just below our ankles so it was okay. We went to sit to the sides where it was a bit more dry. Tony sat next to me holding me whilst Heven sat opposite to us. We kept quite for some time and I was digesting what had happened, seeing my two friends getting killed , Jamie abandoning us and Ron too. I was also worried about Isaac if he is alright, I didnt see him since the shooting started. After a moment of "silence" l decided to start a conversation. The silence was killing me and I wanted to forget about what had happened.

Me: So Heven where is the asylum?

Heven: Somewhere a little bit far from here. Close to the township though.

Tony: how did you find this place?

Heven: Its close to my father's shop. It was abandoned for a long time. When I started having the nightmares I decided to use this shop. It has an underground room which I thought would be the best hide out. No one can hear us and the door is well hidden that it even took me days to notice it. It can fit maybe about eleven people. Luckily it also has windows but since it is underground someone can think it is the basement.

Me: So like there is food and everything?

Heven: yes there are 40 boxes of canned beans, ten bags of rice , 38 of canned meat and 15packs of drinks and there is tap and a sink which we can get water and clean our clothes from. The rest of the food if the roads are clear we can get them from the stores nearby and my dad said he will bring more food and cooking pots.There is also a four plate gas stove with 48kg two gas tanks and an electric stove in case they don't mess with the electricity. I also have some clothes too.

Tony: Wow you really were prepared for this and sounds like the room is quite big.

Heven: Yes it is and it came with four old sofas , an old military radio and two tables. I brought in 5 blankets and two mattresses for bedding. You can find some more stuff too.

Tony:l am dearly amazed. I hope we can make it there though.

Heven: Yes (smiling)

Me: Your dad, I don't seem to remember him and Uncle Derrick never said anything about him.

Heven: well its because he never married my mom. I knew my dad right after my mom died. My dad said things were a bit complicated with the two families and probably because of my mother's gift. She was not even suppoesed to have a baby and especially a husband.

Me: (looking at him sadly) Ooh am sorry eyy

Heven:(smiling) Eyy its okay at least I didn't turn up to be a complete orphan and I got to have a brother.

Tony: A brother?Well is he okay?

Heven: He is okay. He knows about this and he ain't at a boarding school like me. Him and my dad know about this so just after they see it or hear about it they will rush into the asylum and wait for us.

Me: So how are we going to get there?

Heven: We walk , run and we might see some cars or trucks to help but I suggest we walk so that we don't get to be seen.

Tony: Yes that is a good idea. So we just have to wait for a night here and...

Before he could finish talking we heard footsteps running up the bridge. We all stood up and faced the direction of the person/people might show up and got ready to attack. I was afraid that it might be one of the evil mutants and thus I held my hands up ready to attack.

The person/people, l didn't really know how many, kept on running towards the direction we were facing and jumped down the bridge. I quickly released my powers and pushed the person with my psychokinesis. Tony and Heven both looked at me shocked to what I had done and we all looked at the lifeless person who was now lying on the ground...

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