chapter 9- shes back

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I looked up at harry once more while having my arm wrapped around his. As I did so I felt his body relax a bit. Suddenly the silence was broken.

"hi harry" she said. I didn't know who this mystery woman could be, but she obviously knew harry since she went to give him a kiss in the cheek. He dodged it. She gave him a pouty look.

"I seen you were not answering any of my calls I was beginning to worry" She said. I could tell she wasn't actually worried. Harry just stood still. He didn't say anything and didn't even move a muscle. Harry just looked defeated as he slowly whispered.

"I know....Camille" He said choking on her name. I suddenly remembered who this stranger in the door was, Harry's ex. I seen her on a billboard once if I remember correctly. I realized her glaring at me. I seemed like her eyes where burning holes into my head. I decided to say something.

"I guess I should leave you two alone" I said as Harry looks down at me. I felt myself disappear in his eyes. "Yes you should that'll be lovely-" She got cut off by a small voice, but it was there.

"No" Harry says bluntly pulling me closer to him. She eyes him obviously annoyed in his choice, but before walking in, which made harry clearly upset, she shot me a dirty look. I gave Harry a questioning glance before we made our way to the opposite couch of Camille. She sat there trying to look innocent.


I felt my temper go up as she just invited herself in. I looked down to see Carolina give me a questionable look wondering whats probably going on. We took a seat and I couldn't think of anything to say. Then something escaped my mouth and made my voice sound harsher than I anticipated.

"Why are you here?" I said feeling anger rush through my blood. It wasn't right for to come completely out of the blue. She shouldn't have came. Carolina shouldn't be put in this mess.

"Because Harry I love you and I know you still love me-" She began, but I quickly cut her off.

"I don't love you anymore and that doesn't give you a reason to barge in my home like this" I said shooting all her thoughts about our love down.

"So now what your dating this bitch" She said eyeing Carolina who just sat there shocked, but unbothered. I looked at Camille once more. "Shes not a bitch and shes a whole lot better of a girlfriend then you ever were" I said as my anger started to show.

Camille's mouth dropped to the ground. She got up and before opening the door she looked at Carolina. "slut" she mouthed before quickly slamming the door behind her.

I looked down trying to get the anger out when I felt a small hand on top of mine. I suddenly felt all the anger rush out of my body. I looked up to see Carolina giving me a weak smile before laying her head on my shoulder.

Before I could do anything I felt tears run down my cheeks alarming the girl laying on my shoulder. She looked up with a calm look spread across her entire body. She gave me a reassuring smile before wiping the tears away and giving me a small, but gentle kiss on my forehead.

I looked up at her and suddenly got the urge of wanting more. I quickly flipped her under me on the couch and just stared at her beauty. Just taking it all in.


Before I knew it I was under harry laying against his couch. He was just staring at me with his beautiful green eyes. I felt butterfly s take over my stomach as he planted a much rougher kiss than what I gave him on his forehead, but it didn't bother me in fact it made me want more.

He slid his tongue on my lip asking for entrance and then the kissing started getting deeper and deeper. I felt this connection between us that made everything inside me explode. As he went up for a breather he eyed me. He then smiled wide revealing his dimples and got off me. I gave him a curious look.

"Look I didn't want to stop either, but I don't want to go any further unless I make you mine" He said smiling at the ground clearly happy by what just happened. I nodded understanding what he meant, but not what he was getting at.

"Come on, lets go to bed" He said before leading me into his bedroom.

A\N- I just wanted to say that everything I write is not based on the actual persons behavior or personality. I don't think Camille is actually this way its just make the story more interesting. The only person who is based on their actual person irl is Harry. Thank you:)

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