The MIMS. Mass interrupter of memory selection, invented during the Japanese revolution of 2056. Created to modify the memories of the Japanese citizens, it was used to make them believe what the government wanted them to believe. It made the population docile, easily manipulated and compliant. Basically, it was a mind wash machine.
It worked like a Gift amplification device, built specifically for one woman: Akiko Abhuraya. A part of the Japanese Elite, Akiko was known all over the world for her unique Gift. She was able to manipulate the memories of anyone she chose. It was almost like a form of hypnotism, using a series of beats and sounds she could mimic with her voice, too low for any ear to pick up on. MIMS could be programmed to send out Akiko's frequencies anywhere in the country, but the range could be programed to cover a much larger area.
The Americans took the machine with them when the council was created back in '68, and Akiko had supposedly been imprisoned in an Elite compound. The council of the time vowed to make sure that what happened in Japan would never happen again, but it looks like they went back on their word. According to this, the President used MIMS three years ago, which means that I was one of the affected.
White-hot fury pulses through my veins.
That man decided to tamper with my head. Mess with my memories. And the memories of countless others. It says here only a few Elite were able to keep theirs intact. Why would he let only a few people keep their memories, and erase everyone else's?
I look at the picture of Khan in the old news article, which I'm guessing never saw the light of day. I wonder what happened to the person that wrote it, obviously someone who's memory hadn't been tampered with. Khan is smiling as he stands high above a giant crowd, like a King waving at his loyal subjects. Like a dictator making sure everyone is cheering. Maybe Khan let them keep their memories because he wanted to remind those with power that there is only one man in charge, that no one can take his crown. I'm also willing to bet Christian was one of the few who didn't suffer the consequences of the MIMS. It would explain why he was so mad when I tried to talk to him about Khan.
"Riots started three months later. The few that kept their memories had not agreed with the President's decision and tried to start a war against him."
Oh, The Protests of White Mark Hill. I remember that movement. I was out when one of the more violent attacks was taking place. I could see the smoke from the smoothie shack, where Cassie and I had been enjoying our first afternoon of summer vacation. I was cleaning the blender, too focused on my task to notice what was going on, until Cassie called me over to the window. She sounded concerned, so I dropped my sponge and stood next to her at the front of the shack, watching as a black column of smoke rose into the sky. The story was that some rogue Elites had set fire to Khan's house, and it could be seen from towns away, the flickering light of the orange flames like a beacon in the night. Luckily, the President and his daughter hadn't been home. I remember my confusion, everyone's confusion, when we heard it on the news. Now I know why we were all so surprised. None of us remembered the reason behind the protest.
"Some say he now fears the Elite, and that he will use MIMS again, but it is highly unlikely, as the machine stopped working right after Khan last used it."
I feel the breath I had been holding in rush out of me as I read those words. At least he won't be using it again any time soon. But the fear of Elites wasn't something I had expected. Fear, strong fear, can make people do desperate things. They make bad decisions, but would the President's fear push him this far?
"Well, that's intense," mumbles Kalen, brushing his hair out if his eyes. " How is it we knew none of this?"
I tilt my head, worrying my bottom lip until my tongue is hit with the coppery taste of blood. Why is all this information being kept a secret? Don't we have a right to know what's going on in our own country? I mean, if we are expected to keep it safe, then we need to know everything about it and its potential threats, be those inside or outside of the country. If it means keeping our people safe, it doesn't matter if the President is the one who posed a threat, we would need to take him out either way. It wouldn't be the first time a countries' leader was overthrown because of their antics. Just look at what happened to Spain in 2048, when their president was literally kicked out of the country after selling weapons that were used against his own people.
Brianna Acero and the Second One's Return
Science FictionOne hundred years ago, war threatened the existence of humanity. One man's actions might bring it back. During WWV, battles weren't won with bombs, but with science. Specifically, with DNA. Now, a person's place in society is determined by their gen...