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Someone once told me

They said

Words on page

Not your life 

Not your soul

I will not deny

Not all that I pour out

Is what I feel

But Lies are not told

My soul lingers in each word

My soul is unlike yours


And you do not understand

Because you are the "different one"

and everyone else is the same 

From someone so different

You don't have the empathy I expected

Because maybe you don't understand 

If you are as unlike them as you say

Wouldn't you shed kind light on those like me

Those who are different from them

different from you

And different from everyone else too

maybe we are all the same

and not a single one will understand

the soul 

The struggles of another 

Maybe we are all 

a blend of incompetnce and hatred

with a little love 

that we reserve for those "like us" 

Maybe we are all afraid

I know I am 

But we have no excuse 

For hatred ever flowing 

From our fingertips

Don't believe me

Look around

The empty smiles

Vacant stares

Void of love and compassion

A world 

needs change



But maybe

Maybe I'm wrong

Maybe you don't believe me

But you will look around regardless

And you will not forget

The vacant stares that meet your own 

Because no matter how "different" your soul is

There is something mirroring you

in each and every other that you see

So, yes

My soul is different

and not just like yours 

But it is in my words

and my life 

Just like yours

Only Different

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