Nightmares, Clubs, Hotel Shit Part 1

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(Play Audio: This how Lavelle dressed with the grill in his mouth)

Lavelle's nightmares were getting so bad.

" We can see a therapist". Ocean said

"You yelling in your sleep". She said

"Baby I'm trying to deal with this on my own". He said

"Drinking yourself to death won't help". She told him

"Maybe you can go to a rehab center for the drinking".

"I'm handling it Ocean". Lavelle said and he turned away from her.

He laid in the bed with his eyes open.

Ocean got up to take a shower.  

Lavelle went to hug her and kiss her.

"I'll will think about going to a therapist but prolly not". He said

"I killed someone. I can't say nothing about that". He said

"I know ugh". She said

"It's a good day to go out and enjoy the sun". Ocean told him

"I'm the manager at work now . So I got people working today". She said

"They prolly mad". Lavelle laughed

"We always there. You need some serious time away from here baby". Ocean said

"Yea you right bae. You so right". He said

"Let's go out to a hotel and do some partying". He said

"Cool we will do that". Ocean said hugging Lavelle

They grabbed some clothes for a couple of days.

They went into the car. Lavelle grabbed his gun.

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Sometime Later......

"This a nice hotel baby". Ocean said

"That's a nice bed over there to". Lavelle said smiling

"I wanted us to have the best looking room". He said

"You hungry?" Ocean asked changing the subject.

"Not for food". Lavelle looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

"Let's get some food boy. We haven't eaten in hours". She said

She looked at the menu and they both ordered steak and potatoes and alcohol.

Lavelle and Ocean (lucascolyff) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now