01. we should be friends.

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Frank wasn't the kind of guy to go to a party every week. He hated socializing, was awkward as fuck, and hated everything that came with parties. But there was weed and beers, and being twenty years old and broke, this was his only chance to get some.

He was already too high, and a little drunk, standing by himself behind a bookcase, laughing at everything, when the guy with the spiky hair asked him if he was in line. He didn't even heard him, and almost jumped off scared because he thought it was the cops coming for him. When he turned around, he saw a nerdy guy in a blue hoodie, slightly taller, talking to him. 'Are you waiting to use the bathroom?' he asked again, pointing to the door next to him.

'Nah,' Frank replied. 'This isn't the bathroom. It's over there,' he said pointing to his right. He'd never seen Spiky Hair Boy before, and wondered if he came here with someone else. When he noticed, he was gone again. He felt sad out of nowhere.

'You're okay, over there?' Oh there he was! He was back, and he looked worried about Frank.

'Hey, you're back!' Frank couldn't help hugging the stranger out of nowhere.

'Hey?' the stranger patted him in the back, not sure why he was so excited to see him. They didn't even know each other. 'You're having fun, huh?' He didn't know what to say, he wasn't the best at talking to people.

Frank just smiled. 'You're new here?' he asked.

'My brother forced me to come with him. He says I should get out more.'

'Maybe he's right.' He offered him his joint, and the boy took it, but hesitated to put it in his mouth. 'I'm Frank, by the way.'

'I'm Gerard.' He finally took a drag, and noticed Frank didn't take his eyes off him. He wondered why the kid with dreads was talking to him. Maybe he was lonely too, who knew. Though he seemed to belong here, he obviously knew everyone. Then why was he hiding. 'Why were you doing here?' Gerard asked.

'Nothing,' he said, laughing. 'What are you doing here?'

'Nothing.' He was leaning on the wall across Frank, barely inches from him, and they were so high and drunk, they couldn't stop looking at each other, laughing.

'I was thinking,' Frank said.


'That I hate everyone. I hate my life. I hate school, and I want to drop out and just tour with my band. And there's this girl I like a lot, and I want to ask her out, but all I can think is –' And without another word, he took two steps until there was no space separating him and Gerard, and pushed his lips against his.

He didn't know where that came from, but suddenly he just needed to kiss him.

He needed to taste his lips.

He let his fingers run through his hair, while Gerard's hands gently hold him by the sides of his stomach, letting Frank take control. He didn't kiss back, but he didn't push him away either. He just let him.

At one point Frank could swear he pull him closer, so he kept going.

When they finally pulled away, Frank just look up at him, waiting for a reaction. Gerard nodded, looking confused, though it could be because he was drunk. So without a second of hesitation, Frank kissed him again, this time his tongue going in, and Gerard kissing back. They're hands went all over the place, and Frank started rubbing himself against him.

In this kind of parties everyone was always making out, so nobody paid any attention to the two dudes kissing.

Soon, they moved to the bathroom, continuing where they left off. Gerard immediately took Frank's pants off. 'Are you sure?' he asked, and Frank nodded, before he went down on him. Frank moaned, not caring about people hearing him. He was in heaven.

Frank had never done anything like this. Yeah, he had kissed a couple dudes, he had a crush or two on other guys. Nothing more. But making out with a random guy he met five minutes before, and getting a blowjob from him?

'I'm sorry,' Gerard said out of nowhere, wiping his face off, as Frank felt his entire world ended right there. 'I gotta go.'

Gerard ran out of the bathroom, leaving Frank in there, still hard. Why was he feeling like he needed more of Gerard.

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