Apron (Dante)

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Stretched out with a groan, you shield your eyes from the morning sun. "Ugh, morning... hm?" You paused all movements before sniffing the air. 'Somethings burning!?' You jump up out of bed, ignoring the pain in your shoulder as you run down stairs. Heading to the kitchen, you slam the door open and cough at the sudden smoke filling your airway. "Shit.. I don't think that's how you do it.." You rub your eyes from the smoke before squinting. "Dante..?" Smoke finally cleared as the said man opened the kitchen window. "Oh, morning Babe!" You bit your lip and looked away from him. What in the world is he wearing?! He was shirtless and in his grey sweatpants. But what really throws you off is what is wrapped around him. A apron, pink and frilly graced your view with confusion and amusement. "Hey you.. Are you laughing at me?" You shook your head quickly as he slammed down his wooden spoon down in irritation. "No.. What are you doing?" You held your mouth as you hear a cough from him. "I was trying to make breakfast but the damn eggs burnt. You still laughing at me aren't you!?" He quickly came around the counter as you turned to exit. You squeaked as arms wrapped around your waist and pulls you back into the kitchen. You were lifted and placed on the counter. "It's not nice to laugh." You sigh at a kiss on your neck. His hands massages your sides as he licks and kisses up to your lips. With a kiss on the nose, he pulls away and hold up his spoon. "Now get your ass back in bed! Daddy has some cooking to do!" You smile before laughing again.

"The apron-"


Thanks For Reading!

(Yes, its short but I thought about Dante with a pink frilly apron the other day.. This quarantine is driving me nuts..)

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