Chapter 4: James Bond

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She hates me.

I can tell immediately. Rue's front door is locked and after I sent that message, Aria (as me) disconnected.


I pounded on the door.

"Rue! Open the freaking door!"

I pounded once more, but she didn't answer. I could hear shuffling, so quietly, I quietly, I started looking for a spare key.

"Girls always hide a spare key," I mumbled, fumbling around for one. Finally, I grin. There it is. I reached for the key under the rocking chair on the porch, and unlocked the door.

I pushed it open and was greeted by a hand to the face.

"How dare you?!" Rue shrieked. She was crying and tried slapping me again. I ducked and half tackled, half pushed her inside. I tossed her onto the couch and sat down, grabbing her hands to stop her from punching me.

"Hold it!" I yelled. "What did I do?"

She stifled a sob. "You-" she sniffed, "you traitor!"

I let her hands go in surprise, and was rewarded with a flying fist. My head snapped back and she tackled me to the ground.

"How dare you do that to her?!"

I put my arms up as defense, but that didn't stop her at all. After a while, I gave up and dropped my arms, completely exposed to her anger, which sucked.

She faltered and suddenly stopped. "She's broken!" she yelled. "You freaking broke her! Don't you see what you've done? Answer me!"

I didn't move.

"Tell me," she said, and I shook my head.

Frustrated, she stood up and collapsed on the couch, sobbing. I was going to comfort her, but I didn't want to be tackled again.

I walked to the stairs and was about to go up, when Rue tackled me, jumping on my back.

"What the fluff?!" I yelled. Rue sniffed and jumped off. She raced halfway up the stairs and stood there, blocking my way.

I walked up to her cautiously. "Rue..."

She sniffed.

"Rue, please. I just want to talk to her."


"Rue, please! I need to talk to her! She needs to know why!"

Tears sprouted in my eyes and I hastily rubbed them away. "Please, Rue!"

She shook her head. "Look, just-" I froze, and stared at something behind her. I just stood there.

"W-what?" Rue asked. I kept on staring. What did I do to her?!


She's just staring at me. Standing there.

Her hair is tangled and in a messy bun. Her face is streaked with tears, and it breaks my heart. She hates me. I can see it in her eyes, along with a hint of... What?

"Aria," I breathe. My voice sounds strangled.

Rue turns around, so I take advantage of the situation. I push her aside (gently, I promise), and run up to Aria.

"Aria, wait!" She gasps and freezes, but as soon as I try reaching for her, she pulls out some sort of James Bond move and leaps of the railing, landing on the couch.

"Aria! Wait!" I yell, to no avail. She runs out the door as I jump off the railing and sprint after her.

"Aria!" I hear Rue cal from behind me. I run and am close to her, when she freezes again.

I dig my feet in the ground to stop myself from running into her, when I see the cause.

Oh look, a car.

Coming at 90 miles/hr.

Right towards Aria.





I grunt as something hits me on the side. Hard. I hear Rue screaming and Luke cry out as I collapse on the grass. Wait...





The scream tears out from the deepest part of of my gut as I sprint across the lawn. I run straight into Aria, knocking her to the ground, as pain invades my body, taking over every single particle until it becomes me. I become overwhelmed with a burning sensation before my eyelids drift together once more.



It takes me a while to find out what happened. Sirens wail in my ears as a pair of arms lift me. I groan and hear a sobbing gasp.

"Aria!" Rue breathes. "You're alive!"

No duh, I want to say, but I don't.

I can't.

Luke is hurt, and I was the cause.

All of this weighs my heart down as the paramedics lift me into the ambulance with Luke and drive away. I reach over to grab Luke's hand, which is dangling over the edge of the bed. I squeeze his hand and wait...

But he never squeezes back.

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