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So I haven't updated this in forever and I'm really sorry, so here's an apology update


Shist, my dad knew. Now any plans Will and I had were cast to the side. Looks like we'd be winging it.

"We have to hide! He knows where we are..."

"He needs to talk to you."

"What, so he'll kill me? I don't think so!"

You were going to let him kill me. What's the difference? Besides, he wouldn't hurt you. He just wants his wife back."

"What's he gonna do for me if I give her back?"

This made me angrier than ever. "You kidnapped his wife, Dad! You can't be expecting something in return for giving her back! How did you feel when Mom died?! Imagine that but we figured out she wasn't dead, no, she was suffering in the hands of some insane king!" I knew I went too far as soon as the words left my mouth. Will gently took my wrist and tried to get me behind him. He was scared for me.

"We're enemies and he was sinning the war!"

"Where is she?" I growled. It was probably a good thing that Will was holding my wrist, or I might have ended up hurting my own dad.

"She's with an ally of mine." 


"Who's that?" Will asked.

"He was a very loyal guard for my kingdom." 

"Where is he?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because this is Will's mom!"

"So? My daughter is dead because of his father."

"So you should-"

Will pulled me closer to him. "We're not going to get anything else from this, Nico. Let's see if my dad knows where Surma is."

"But he-!"

Will was trying hard to be calm instead of demanding answers from my dad like I was, I could tell "He isn't going to tell us anything else. We're wasting our time."

(Uggggggggggh I wanna end the chapter here but it'd be only 346 words...)

I sighed. "Yeah. You're right. C'mon." I looked up at Hazel, who had been standing to the side, taking in the argument while frowning. "Hazel, do you want to come with us?"

"Yeah. I think I do." She followed us outside.


"Do you know where a guard named Surma lives?" I asked as soon as we got onto King Apollo's office.

"I don't recognize the name. is he one of mine?" He said.

"No, he was a guard of my dad's kingdom."

"Hm. I'll do some research and we'll talk about it at dinner okay? you can invite some friends over while I find the information we need about him."

So naturally, we had friends over to figure things out ourselves as well. it was completely Will's idea, but I'd be lying if I said I tried arguing with him. I wanted to know as soon as possible, and I knew we could probably figure it out before dinner if we had enough people.

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