Phase 1

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The group stepped back from the grumpy Neko admiring their work. "I look like Will," Nico said, very churlish.

Will stepped back and put a hand on his heart with fake hurt, "What is so wrong with being like me, I'm awesome."

"Argh! Ok, I know that this was my idea, and it needs to be done, but I really hate this."

"If I am going back there," Hazel commented, she came after she told Hades she was going out, "then you will suck it up and put on the act, ok?"


Nico had honey-blond hair that was trimmed so it wasn't completely covering his face and a wavy-haired perm. He was also wearing blue contacts, had a spray tan, and was wearing a bright T-shirt and jeans.

"You don't look bad, you look a lot less dead," Piper commented, "Now for phase two of the plan. Thanks so much, Lou Ellen, if anyone comes and asks about Nico, say something like 'He is staying at the palace and rarely comes out' that way no one will suspect anything."

"Will do, Piper" she answered.

--------------- Le Line Break ----------------

Hazel went with Frank, with many "Ooh Lala"'s, despite their protests. Will had to stay behind as they started to commence part two of their plan due to being the new king, so Leo had come up with these intercom things that will work all the way in Hades' Kingdom.

Nico left with Leo soon after, then the rest of the group made sure to follow them, but keep a nice distance, so who they are going to see won't catch notice of them.

Now is when it gets real

The group walked down a street, all to familiar to Nico for his liking. As they turned the corner they saw Hazel and Nico's house, well, Nico practically moved out, but still.

When the house came into view they all scattered around, each going to the perfect hiding spots that they had planned out. All except Nico and Leo.

Nico texted Hazel letting her know that they were thirty seconds away. When they got there they knocked on the door, waiting for the two they know would answer.

They heard Hazel's voice ringing through the house, "I'LL GET IT!"

When they finally saw her, she walked up with Frank and opened the door. They all shared a look and Frank called out to Hades,

"Excuse me sir, there are a couple of teenagers and Hazel doesn't know them."

"Do you know them?" Hades asked.

"No sir."

"Lemme see." Hades walked into frame and if you knew Nico well, you would see the small movement at the side of his face meaning he was biting the inside of his cheek.

"Well? What do you want?"

Leo decided that because Nico couldn't, he would say it, "We had word that you are the Lost King and we wanted to see for ourselves"

A/N: I am sorry that it is such a short chapter, but I wanted to keep the phases of the plan each in one chapter, so the other ones will be much longer, my Apollogies.. I'll stop now

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