Chapter 7

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"Hey did you guys hear? Apparently the Wizards from the class of 11 year olds and some humans got into a fight!" A girl shouts whilst running into the classroom. This announcement caught Jeonghans attention so he decided to listen in.

"Wait really?!?!" Another asked, excited by the news.

"yeah and teachers had to hold them back and everything! Apparently Dave slapped one of them to their senses and that made them so angry aha"

"see? its always those inhumanes causing trouble and ruining our fun I hate them so much!" A friend added.

"Dave clearly started it." Said Jeonghan in a deeper voice than usual, making everyone else go silent.

"He was testing their patience and hurt their feelings. The children did nothing wrong." He added, to then proceed with eating his lunch and talking to his new friend Joshua.

"It doesn't matter who started it, its the inhumanes fault for turning to violence and then losing a fight. The humans won right?"

Half an hour earlier..

"I told you i would get here first i always win! Im bored of winning maybe you should win next time!" Mingyu said with an insulting look.

"well mayhaps i would stop losing when you stop winning!" argued Wonwoo, trying his best not to get angry.

"all that racing makes me hungry" Mingyu frowned while looking down at his stomach.

"Lets go eat then!" His older friend said, not liking the sight of seeing Mingyu sad.

The two boys walked to the cafeteria whilst smiling and talking about their families. Mingyu didnt have a dad but he was fine with it as it meant he could be the man of the house, Wonwoos mum was killed when he was 7 in an attack against his kind. He still missed her and would tell Mingyu about her everyday.

Once they reached the cafeteria they looked for a table to sit on. once they did they went to go and stand in line to claim their food.  After waiting a while in the line, they noticed a group of friends pointing their way and laughing.

"ignore them Wonwoo." Mingyu said, noticing his friend frowning.

"I am-Oh my god they r coming!" Wonwoo said alarmed and beginning to hold on to the tallers sleeve.

A gang of three who seemed slightly older than them walked straight into the line in front of them, pushing Mingyu. He didn't want to start a fight so he just huffed and looked forward.

"what are you looking at eyesore?" One of the bullies shouts, grabbing Wonwoo by his collar

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