Chapter 18

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"Have you ever been to this cafe before?" Mingyu asked the slim boy next to him.

"well yes, the owner was nice to us so now im a regular there. Hes practically a second father to me." He replied whilst smiling the slightest bit as they entered the cafe which made a little ping sound at the register area.

"oh! Jun and Hao! Welcome back!" the owner called them over and met them with a grin, which immediately drew attention to the boys but they didnt really mind.

"Hello uncle!" Jun exclaimed whilt giving the man, who seemed to be in his mid fourties a hug. The cafe was pretty full today and the only table that wouldve fit all of them was taken by a boy, who looked around their age, and was sitting alone. However the boys didnt want to be rude and kick him off but the owner insisted that they stayed and had cake so approached the boy with a smile.

"do you know how long youll be here for young one?" He asked in the nicest way possible.

"oh im just waiting for my friend i can leave if you want-" he stumbled over his words as he was clearly socially awkward,

"No no its fine dont worry well come another day!" Wonwoo chimed in, hoping he didnt seem rude.

"you can sit with me if theres no more seats for you guys-Only if you want- you dont have to" The young boys face turned into a darker shade of red as he looked to the ground as though he was on the verge of tears.

"REALLY!? THANK YOU BRO!" Jeonghan exclaimed as he sat down on the seat right next to him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder making him wince way a little. The boy was clearly uncomfortable but this soon disappeared as the boys got to know more and more about eachother as they drank their teas and ate their cakes. They learnt that The boys name was Chan and he was human and came from a rich conservative family. They got along so well. Too well.

This is where the other boys entered the cafe. 

"drink him bro."

Chans jaw dropped whilst he looked at his friend who was now a fish, almost contemplating whether or not to drink him for fun. Chan looked towards Hao with eyes clearly asking for help; making the boy sigh and look to the ground. Chan then passed him the glass and he looked at him with regret in his eyes. "Do i have to-" He asked but before he could finish Jun had grabbed the glass and gulped down the boys friend friend.

The groups stared at eachother in awe then at Jun, then at eachother again almost saying, "did that just happen-" with their eyes.

"what- its just vampire tings" He said then winked back at them with a boy in his stomach who was probably freaking out.

"i- c-can you release him-please-sir-" Hoshi asked, hiding behind seungkwan and fearing for his life as a cannibal was sitting in front of him.

"uhhhhh- i didnt think that far sorry." He replied making the boys let out a huge gasp as someone had just been eaten in front of their very own eyes, Hao was just laughing in the corner which made them even more scared for what would happen to them next.

"this is all your fault." Seungcheol said to Mingyu who hadnt moved an inch since the boy got engulfed.

A/N : not @ me wanting to write a pov for Dokyeom as a fish </3

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