Chapter 1

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For the first time in my life, I woke up not knowing who I was. My dreams suggest one thing and all I know shows another. The dreams were so real, I could've sworn they actually happened.

There I am as a baby, in the arms of a person who looks like Proffesor Snape and beside him is a man only recognizable as the version of Voldemort I met in the chamber of secrets. They're cooing as if I'm the most precious child on earth. As if... I'm theirs. "Hello my little Hadrian." I hear Snape say, along with a resounding, "Welcome to the bright big world, it's your papa, Tom. This is your brother and sister, their names are Ramone and Eileen." As two young children with black hair, the boy with black eyes, the girl with dark red, appear in my vision. "Say hi to your new baby brother."

"Hi, baby Harry," says the boy, as Tom waves the girl's hand as she seems to not really speak at this point.
End Flashback

I figure I should just talk to Snape tomorrow, see what he has to say. So the next morning, I climb out of bed before it's time for breakfast and go down to the dungeons. As I approach the door, I knock quietly, hoping any Slytherins that might be in the nearby common room will not wake to hear me. However, no answer is given, so I knock a little louder. Still nothing, so after a few minutes, I decide to head back to the tower but before I could, a deep and seemingly tired voice invites me in.

"What on earth are you doing here an hour before you should even be up Potter?" The question comes so fast as he yanks me in, that I nearly missed it.

Nervously playing with my shirt, I decided I should answer quick before getting thrown out. "I needed to talk to you about a dream I had last night sir."

"What is the need to talk to me when you have a perfectly capable head of house yourself to answer your trivial questions about teenage dreams?" The drawl was a perfect effect to the already sneering face, but I wouldn't give in to his menacing nature.

"No offense sir, but if this were trivial, there would be no need for a visit to a teacher in the first place."

Eyebrow quirked and ready for a fight, his answer was simple, "Your point is true, but leaves room for explanation."

"Well, the dream involved you." At this, he raised his hand.

"Potter, if this is some nasty sex dream causing you to contemplate your sexuality, I am not interested, nor would I like to hear more."

"But sir, it's not that kind of dream." The plead in my eyes for understanding and patience was showing far too much to be mistaken. "I was looking through the eyes of myself as a newborn. You were holding me, Voldemort at your side, with two more children to greet me into the world... You called me Hadrian." The shock was in his eyes as he stepped closer.

"You need to get out. Right now. We can not talk about this here and now. You may meet me in my office at ten tonight but not before."

"But sir, what are you talking about?"

"Just go! I'll explain later. There's no time now." With a slight abruptness, I was out the door and headed for the tower without an explanation.
Classes were horrible throughout the day. Not a bit of focus was to be seen in my eyes for there was none in my mind. The strange conversation with my potions professor was all I could think about. It was like there was something he had to hide from me.

When 10:00 rolled around, it was all I could do to not jump out of bed and run to Snape's office. So, reminding myself about the critical need for stealth, I took out my cloak, map, and wand for my journey to the office of my professor. My plan was nearly foiled by the teacher patrolling for the night, as I rounded a corner where I nearly bumped into Professor Flitwick, due to my lack of attention to the map.

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