Y/n's Creations

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Geryon & Cavaliere Angelo (Geryon will be created later on)

Geryon & Cavaliere Angelo (Geryon will be created later on)

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Powers & Abilities: 


Slow down time/Localized control of time 


Superhuman Durability, Strength & Speed 

Electricity Generation & Manipulation (Basically he's more powerful in cities)


Summon Proto & Scudo Angelos 

Immue to lightning (Except for nabe's sword & lightning magic)


Defeated the Red dragon emperor with one slash

Easily can tank hits from just about anything minus yuri, nabe, & y/n (not physically) who are too powerful for him.

Is y/n's 1st general and favorite creation. 

Always is the first one to defend y/n from anything.

Can easily blitz anyone, except for Y/n, Nabe and Yuri

Hell Judeccac (Sun)

Powers & Abilities:

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Powers & Abilities:

Summon Hell Caina & Antenora (Caina is the one with the scythe)

Summon Hell Caina & Antenora (Caina is the one with the scythe)

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