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Zar's Pov

Okay I got to tell everyone in neraka that master created two more loyal demons.

Master y/n is very nice to everyone from his mansion, his creations, to neraka.

I'm lucky that y/n is my master and get to protect the nice people of neraka.

Once I got to neraka and looked around for ted.

Then I see ted in the distance talking to people.

This is perfect timing to tell him.

Me: "Hey Ted!" I yelled to get his attention.

He started looking around, until he saw me walking towards him.

Ted: "Hey stone friend and ted thought stone friend don't guard until sun comes up."

Me: "No I'm here to you guys that master y/n created two loyal demons and their roaming around."

Me: "One of them has a huge hammer and the other has two wolves."

At first they were shocked then someone said

Random faunus woman (excited): "Yeah more support."

Ted: "Thanks stone friend for telling ted the good news." as he proceeds to bear hug me.

After a while he let go of me.

Me: "Well I did my job for telling you guys that and I'll get going now."

Random faunus woman & Ted: "Bye zar/stone friend."

Then I walked back to master's mansion to sleep out in the front until the next morning.

The next day, Nabe's Pov

This morning y/n asked me to capture a grimm, so yuri can start working on the grimm knights, since salem's grimm & followers keep interfering.

Me: "Well, here comes a ursa or is it a major ursa."

Me: "You know what I don't care what it is

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Me: "You know what I don't care what it is. All I know that I need any type of grimm, so yuri can  start making grimm knights."

As the ursa started to charge towards me, while I slowly charged a lightning bolt and dodged it's claw swipe.

I kept dodging, until I felt the lightning bolt was heavy enough.

Then I teleported above it and threw the bolt in front of it, only for the ursa to be surrounded by a wall made out of lightning.

Me: "Lightning Inferno!"

Then the grimm is starting to get electrocuted, until it got knocked out.

After the lightning wall was gone I went up to the grimm and dragged it all the back to the mansion.

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