my confusion

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We met in 1998
It was a year of chaos
Wonder If i can explain to you how was it
Chaos creates confusion without being aware of time
They're soulless and bloodthirst
Now it carries on into my brain
Every single night is just 1998

And here you are still thirsty
You make my future uncertain
You are my main foe,i never beat you
You are the devil in the detail
But im sure you're just a thought
You're small
You're weak
You dont even have a soul
Im fighting until you're burning

I might wanna call you confusion
Im sure im between you and my victory
But the more free time i have
You just keep roaring and im still
Killing your troops and commanders

You are a silent guy yeah?
You just come out of nowhere
Even when im helping my mother
You are always a tough opponent

Now im 20 years old
So do you
Is it still like 1998?
He answered,yes
I now think its the other way
Im starting to think the other way
Because the more i live,the weaker you are
And once i finished,i'll have a new friend
I will have a new slot
For a guy named clarity

Clarity is a good guy
Clarity always force me
To choose decisions wisely
Rather than waiting in misery
I've beat you
You're now gone


girl with the iron heartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang