A Crazy Three Days (Kokichi x Shuichi)

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Shuichi's POV:

I wake up to my mental alarm that's set for 6 am. I try my best not to wake the sleeping purple haired liar sleeping next to me. He grips tighter around my torso. I sigh and chuckle. It's like this every morning. I thought.

"Babe, I have to go to work.." I say.

"Mm.. Five more minutes please?" He asks. I sigh.

"You do this every time. I'll be back home before you know it. And then we can cuddle for as long as you want." I promise him. He nods, his eyes still closed and lets me go. I replace myself with a pillow, which he hugs tightly. How cute..

I get ready and head to work. It was still dark this morning, given its early November. The cold wing smack my face once I opened our apartment complexes door. We lived on the 3rd floor of the 7 story building, which is pretty convenient. I walk to the bus station before the sun even rises.

Just another day. But something seems... off.

Kokichi's POV:

I wake up once again to light shining on my eyelids. I put my arm up to try and block it, but it was no use. The pillow replacing my detective boyfriend lay beside me, the pillowcase half off. I sigh and sit up.

He always leaves me alone. I miss him so much... I wish we could just be together and work didn't even have to be an option.

The 53rd killing game was all VR and a company called Danganronpa takes volunteers for a killing simulation game and broadcasts it every year. My memories were washed, but apparently I audition and got in. Kinda crazy..

The bedsheets were messy, but our bedroom looked spotless. I get up and check the time.


I always stay up late so I always wake up a little late. I see a text from my navy haired lover.

shumai 💙
hey babe. sorry i woke you this morning. i'll be hime before you even know it. i love you :) <3

I smile. Shuichi really is such a good boyfriend. He works hard and still tried to make time for me. I am being kind of selfish, asking for more and more of his time.

dummy, don't worry! do ur job and i'll see u when u get home and shower u with love and affection mister detective ;))

I giggle and turn off the phone. I go and see the remains of his coffee he had this morning. He can be kinda messy sometimes.. but I'm more messy so I can't complain. I clean up and decide I would just play games until it was time for lunch.

When it was lunch time, I just made a sandwich and then went to the grocery store and bought the stuff we needed.

Even though we got paid to be in the killing game, it still sucked because we didn't have enough to live off of for forever. I still run DICE, but not much has happened with them lately. In fact, I haven't heard from them in a while.

I get back from shopping, and play more games. I learn some card tricks and perfect the knife game, like I played in the killing game. I knick myself a few times, so I bandage them up with colorful bandaids, only using the blue and purple ones.

Once dinner time rolls around, I start to make some dinner. Today was soup. Whilst stirring my creation, I think how everyday feels really lonely with out him here. It wasn't like high school anymore, where we hung out everyday and talked at coffee shops or went to see the cute dogs at the park.

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