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We reached Sheetal's house.

We stepped into the house. Dhi (meaning sister in Hindi) informed us to freshen up and go to the backyard. Our family were there and she also informed us we have guests. Dhi was always a mother figure to us more than a maid. She doesn't have a family. Thus they considered us as her own children. Our parents also was very fond of her.
We hugged her and made the way towards Sheetal's room. I took my dress from her wardrobe. As we were sleeping over in each other's rooms a lot we thought it'll be better if we keep some of our dresses here.

"Sheets.... I am going to take a shower. Don't be a moody girl. Better be a good girl and shower after me." I told her as I was walking towards the bathroom.
She was such a lazy person when it comes to showering. 
"Ok mom." She would be probably rolling her eyes.

I stepped inside. And had a warm shower which eased my body. After dressing into a yellow sundress I get outside. I would prefer pyjamas but since we have guests it would be inappropriate.

This girl. I stepped out only to see Sheetal was sleeping in the couch.
"Get up dumbo. " I shake her. But no way my friend is getting up. Shopping and sleeping. These are the only two things she's perfect at.

I looked around the room and the water bottle caught my eye. The mischievous unconscious in me woke up and ready to take dominance.
Let me see how you sleep.

I took the bottle from the night stand and walked towards the door. I stopped a few steps away from the door and turned. I positioned myself so that I am directed to the couch. I opened the bottle and with right hand ready to pour it I grabbed the door with my left hand. Before Sheetal could see me I ran dropping the contents of the bottle on her.

"You ****ing idiot girl." Before she could say more I ran towards the downstairs. I was laughing hysterically by looking back. Soon I hit on a strong wall and stumbled back. I closed my eyes and waited to hit my body on the floor. But before my body could hit on the floor, two hands draped on my waist. I opened my eyes to see a stranger looking down at me. I was caught in his chocolate eyes. I stand in that position for a few seconds staring at him. Soon I realised what I was doing, I stood up and look at him.

"I..uh  thank you?" It came out more like a question. He was amused and chuckled at my reaction.
"Who are you..?" I asked him but he kissed my cheek and left without any reply.
What's happening..? He kissed me! Then why are you standing like this then..?
I came out of the trance of the kiss.
"Hey.. how dare ..." I looked around to see the hallway empty.
I was irritated that how he can kiss me in my first meeting. I am not that kind of girl. And moreover that why did I like the kiss.

"Hey, why are you standing like this Inu..? Where is Sheetal..? Everyone is waiting for you to join the dinner. Come fast." Sahil come looking at me.

"Your dumbo sister is sleeping." I erased my thoughts and laughed.

"Don't you dare utter a word after pouring water on me. " Sheetal approached us.

Sahil was laughing looking at us.

"Because you were sleeping like a koala and that too with out shower." I said gawking at her.

"Yeah... No I'm not a koala. You neat freak hyena." She smirked. I guess I am a little neat freak. Not that I would wipe the seat and not that kind of neat freak. I wanted to be everything in order and that's it.

"How come hyena will be a neat freak..? Last time I checked my friend hadn't lost her brain. " I glared back.

"Stop it you two now. Everyone is waiting for us to start. First eat and fill your tummy girls. Then continue your bickering. And Inu... There's a surprise for you." Sahil winked at me. And passed a knowing look at Sheetal. Soon she too winked at me.
Surprise. What surprise.? That kiss and now surprise. Ughh!

I was about to ask about the surprise to Sheetal she closed her mouth saying that she will not spill it.

"I hate you." I walked not waiting for her.

"Feelings are mutual babe. But no. I'm not going to say anything." She dragged my hand.

Soon we reached the dining room. Our parents and the guests have already seated. Sahil too occupied his seat. Now only two seats are left. One to a stranger guy whose face is not facing me as he was talking to his mom, I guess. And one next to Sahil.
No way I am sitting next to that stranger.

But before I could sit, my friend had occupied the seat next to Sahil leaving me to sit beside the stranger. Unwillingly I sat next to the stranger.

Sahil and Sheetal was grinning at me to which I glared.

What happened. ? What am I missing?

"Raj and Sunita this is my daughter Inara. Inu.. this is dev's and my old friend Raj. His family is settled in London.  And this is their son Rohit. He is also daughter there."

I smiled at my guests that is at Raj uncle and Sunita aunty. And when I turned to greet Rohit, their son who is sitting beside me, I was shocked. He is the same man who kissed me. He was smiling at me. I soon drifted my eyes to my plate. I know it is rude. But I don't care.

But my parents was not caring that. They was laughing happily and reminiscing their old days. I concentrated on my plate. I glanced towards Sheetal. She was looking at me and Rohit weirdly. I glared her and she mouth asked 'what's the matter?' I shook my head and slowly ate my food. I was savouring my food that Dhi had made. She was a great cook. Soon something caught my hand. I was about to scream. But a voice reached my ears.

"Darling it's me."

I glared him and tried to remove his hands from me. But the keyword is tried.

After sometime he removed his hands and I ate my food as fast as possible. Sheetal and Sahil was looking at me and I was drinking my water.

"Beta we decided to arrange your marriage to Rohit."My father dropped the bomb. I choked on my water and asked "What?"
"Yes Inu. They are coming from London and soon Raj and Sunita are settling here in India. Rohit is going back to London in two weeks after Sahil's marriage. So your wedding will be in two weeks on that same day as Sahil's." My Ma said and my eyes widened at that.

I looked at Sheetal. I think she knew this. Why did she hide it. I will kill her. She mouthed a sorry to me. I glared in response to that.

"Marriage. What are you saying..? I am not ready for my marriage. Sorry I am leaving."

So marriage ..?
Let's see what happens.?
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