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March 30th 1981Music Plus Records

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March 30th 1981
Music Plus Records

"Y/N, hun, we have ten minutes until people start coming in so get ready to sign a lot of autographs." Sharon knocked on the bathroom door. I have no idea why but I was nervous. I have never had a big job like this. And I'm only 19! I'm 19 and I am the drummer for Ozzy fucking Osbourne.

I snort the last line of coke and dust myself off before I go out where Ozzy and Randy are sitting. I hope this goes by quickly. I am already in need of a drink. I look around to see the setting of this place. It's cute. It's small but has a cozy feel to it. I see there's a few workers here. Ones a chick who isn't the prettiest girl I've ever seen and the other two workers were guys. One was older, obviously the owner, the other a scrawny kid who looked like the definition of a rock n' roll dreamer. He was pretty cute not going to lie.

Soon enough, people began to flood the store with Ozzy's records and posters. Some Black Sabbath records in which I thought was pretty ballsy. It got tiring after awhile signing so many fucking records. I sure as hell won't forget my name any time soon.

"I think we're going to take a break for a bit guys so if you could please wait out here that would be great!" The owner yelled to all the fans that were outside. Thank god it was a nice day outside or else they would've been pissed.

I was about to go in the back when I heard an altercation.

"Look faggot, I just want to get a signature by the drummer. That's all man." A tall guy yells at the younger worker.

"Look asshole, they're taking a break. I can't help with what they want to do. Just go outside like everyone else." He pointed at him.

"Fuck you man. You fucking pussy!" The tall guy yells before he swung at the worker.

"Hey! Leave him alone asshole!" I yell as I stepped in front of him. "The fuck is wrong with you? He's just doing his job! Get lost jerk off!"

I turn around and help the worker with his busted nose. "Here, pinch it and hold it. Let's go to the bathroom and get you some paper towels."

He just nods and walks to the bathroom. I help the bleeding stop and make sure he's okay.

"That guy was an asshole." I scoff as I wipe the last bit of blood.

"Yeah he was. I'm used to it though. I've dealt with pricks like that all my life." He finished with a small laugh.

"I'm sorry. I don't get why people are like that." I shrug. "Anyways, what's your name kid?"

"Frank. Frank Feranna."

"Nice to meet you Frank. I'm Y/N. Listen, we're just drinking and smoking in the back if you want to join us for a bit." I ask.

"Sure. I'd like that." Frank smiles.

I took Frank to where everyone else was just talking and having a good time.

"Hey guys, this is Frank, Frank this is everyone. Right there is Randy, our guitarist, and right there is the Oz man and his girlfriend and our manager Sharon."

"Hey Frank!" Randy greeted him.

"Hello hun, how are you today?" Sharon asked.

"I'm good. What about you?" Frank asked.

"It's been a tiring day. But nothing I can complain about." She smiled.

All of a sudden, Ozzy jumped up and yelled "HOLY HELL!"

"What's going on Oz?" I asked freaked out.

"I remembered something!" Ozzy yelled.

"And what would that be darling?" Sharon asked.

"I have to pee. Where's the bathroom?" Ozzy asked confused.

"Jesus Christ!" I giggled.

"Uh, the bathroom is right there Mr. Osbourne." Frank said quietly.

"Thank ya mate. Just call me Uncle Oz." He patter Frank on the back before leaving the room.

"Is he always like that?" Frank whispered to me.

I nodded my head. "Always."

The owner came through to the back. His eyes widened at the sight of all the alcohol and joints that we left laying around.

"Uhh, is now a good time to get back to signing things?"

"Yes. We'll be out there shortly." Sharon smiled at him. "We're just waiting for Ozzy."

"Okay." He nodded before headed back to the front of the store.

"Your toilets are cleaner than mine mate." Ozzy came out and laughed.

"Uh thanks. I just cleaned them." Frank giggled.

"Alright, are we ready for more signing?" Sharon asked all of us. We just groaned and stood up and headed for the front.

I was the last to go. For some reason, I didn't want to leave Frank. Who knows if another asshole would start picking on him again.

"Well I gotta go. Uncle Oz is waiting for me. I hope I'll see you again Frank. You seem cool."

"Until we meet again Y/N" Frank smirked at me.

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