A Walk

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The whole place was illuminated by tiny chandeliers that were spaced along the ceiling every six feet or so. The teardrop-shaped crystals caught the light with their facets, scattering small flecks of rainbows which caught the dress and the necklace forming a mysterious hue which added more regality to her petite form. She stared, enchanted by the opulence which had attracted me since day one.

It's then I sensed his presence

“What are you doing?”

The harsh sound of Nathan’s voice pierced my ear. I tightened my grip on Roza. He’d been leaning against the wall opposite my door and straightened immediately upon seeing us. He had that same cruel expression on his face which meant nothing but death.

“I’m taking her for a walk.” I announced, unfazed by that little show he was putting out there. He could intimidate Rose, not me.

“That’s against the rules,” said Nathan. “Bad enough you’ve still got her here. Galina gave orders for you to keep her confined. We don’t need some rogue dhampir running around.”

I nodded toward her. “Does she look like she’s a threat?”

Nathan’s eyes flicked over at her. I seemed to have made my point clear. A small smirk crossed his lips that promptly disappeared when he turned back to me. “No, but I was ordered to babysit this door, and I’m not going to get in trouble for you taking a field trip.”

“I’ll deal with Galina. I’ll tell her I overpowered you.” I gave a fang-filled grin. “It shouldn’t be that hard for her to believe.”

Nathan gave me a look of purest hate. I could seee jealousy burning in his gaze. Rose unconsciously stepped back until she hit the wall.

“You’re so full of yourself. I didn’t awaken you so that you could act like you’re in charge around here. I did it so that we could use your strength and inside knowledge. You should be answering to me.” he spat.

I shrugged. This was going too far. I never liked him in the first place and Dimitri Belikov didn't like to be challenged.

Taking her hand, I started to turn away. “Not my fault if you’re not strong enough to make me do it.”

That was when Nathan lunged. I had kind of expected an attack from the fool. I whipped around back handing him. That blow had enough power to throw him off guard. One perfectly aimed punch and he collapsed clutching his face.

"That'll be enough for today, won't it?" I concluded, as he kept staring at me, those red eyes forming pools of hate. But he didn't attempt to get up which was a good sign. He should fear me. The confrontation with Nathan just then had been about more than just my quickness to take on my foes though. It had been an assertion of dominance and a chance to draw blood. I enjoy it.

“Nathan scares me,” Rose whispered. Her voice sounded weak and utterly defenseless, something that didn’t happen to her very often.

“He won’t touch you,” I said a bit too harshly. “You have nothing to worry about.”
And I meant it.

We reached a set of stairs. After a few steps, it became clear that she wasn’t going to be able to handle four flights. Aside from the drugged stupor my bites kept her in, the frequent blood loss was weakening her and taking its toll. Without saying a word, I swept her up in my arms and carried her downstairs effortlessly, gently setting her down when we reached the staircase’s bottom. There was less pity and more Romance in the gesture.

The entryway had a huge vaulted ceiling with an elaborate chandelier that warfed the little ones back in the upstairs hall. Ornate double doors faced us, set with stained-glass windows. Marlen was on guard duty as usual. His posture stiffened as we approached, and at first, I thought it was a natural bodyguard instinct—until I saw his face. His lips curled back slightly as he looked at Rose.

“Rose Hathaway. I remember your name—just like you told me.”

He said no more than that, but Rose tightened her grip on my hand as we passed. I know exactly how Marlen had been tortured by Rose for information. Secretly I was thankful that she left him to at least relay the information to me.

“He wants to kill me,” she told me.

“All Strigoi want to kill you,” I returned.

“He really does. . . . I tortured him.”

“I know. He’s been in disgrace ever since then and lost some of his status here.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better.”

“Marlen is no one you need to worry about. You fighting him only proved to Galina that you’re a good addition around here. He’s beneath you.” I confirmed, taking her hand, leading her to the gorgeous garden which surrounded the entire estate of Galina.

We were surrounded in a hedge maze cut with beautiful detail. Within the maze were small courtyards, decorated with fountains or statues. The air was heavy with the scent of  jasmines, its long, white-flowered vines climbing up trellises and statues in the maze.

We walked in silence for a bit, and I found myself lost in the romance of it all. The whole time Rose and I had been together at school, we'd been consumed with the fears of how we would juggle our relationship and our duty. A moment like this, walking in a garden on a spring night lit with stars, had seemed like a fantasy too crazy to even start to consider. But here we were, together. And we could have this forever.

Just only I had to make Rose agree.

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