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I moved from floor to floor. No signs of scuffle. The safe in the first floor room was wide open and my stake missing from out there. Good move, Roza!

I furiously climbed up the stairs and kicked open the library door. The scene before my eyes enraged me further. Galina had a grip on Rose's hair and she was dangerously close to her neck.

You don't kill my girl today bitch!

I saw red in my vision a I could feel the fury radiated around me. I bared my fangs and strode towards them. The fight seemed to due out of Rose's eyes. Did she really think I was coming to kill her? I had no time for distractions as I lunged for Galina. She was momentarily taken aback but trained as she is, she fought back deftly. We raced toward each other, moving, striking and dodging as I engaged her in a deadly dance.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rose grab a chair and hurl it out of the glass window. She kept on hitting, widening the crack.

Escape Rose! Go away! I'll hold her!

Furniture's shattered and the bookcases tumbled as we dueled freely on the floor. I used my physical strength as a, male at an advantage as I threw Galina against the wall. She recovered promptly, jumping on me with her petite frame and went for my throat, her fangs comjng dangerously close. I plucked her out from my back and threw her to the floor but she had my neck as we tumbled together. We both were losing breath and it felt for a moment that Galina had more strength owing to being a older Strigoi.

"Rose!" I cried out, desperate now.

Would she listen? Not after what I did to her!

My voice triggered some instinctive response in her. She glanced back and saw me still grappling with Galina. I kept trying to restrain her in a way that exposed her chest to Rose. My eyes met her. Back when I'd been a dhampir, we'd rarely needed words to convey our thoughts. This was one of those times. I saw realisation dawn on her eyes. She knew what I wanted her to do - to stake Galina.

She hesitated. She was being given a choice between saving a Strigoi and saving her own life. I almost wished she'd escape. I could die to protect her, always. That's a part of the promise I'd never forget.

But when Iooked us, I saw her coming towards us, stake poised and ready. Maybe it was an unconscious sense of duty, since I'd just saved her life. Or maybe it was her love for me that still lingered in some corner of her heart, despite what I had become.

Was I dissapointed in myself? Nor really!

But Galina wasn't easy to get hold of. She was fast and strong, and I was having a hard time with her. She kept wriggling around, trying to renew her attack. All she'd need to do was incapacitate me then it'd just require decapitation or burning to finish me off. I had no doubt she could arrange either.

I managed to turn her slightly, giving Rose the best view of her chest. She moved forward-and then I suddenly felt my balance falter as something had pushed into me. I slammed into Rose, unintentionally. She was addled for a moment, her breath coming hard. Nathan had just entered the library, along with Marlen. It distracted me but I had faith in Rose that she'd finish her off. I turned my attention to the three Strigoi in front of me.

I heard Galina go still. Good! One down! Three to go!

Nathan and Marlen were fixated on me. Nina too joined in the fray, all three of them attacking me together. I was outnumbered. Rose could possibly lend her strength and help me fight, but I wished for her sake that she wouldn't try. She'd be the weak link in this. . . . .

Don't hesitate! Run! The words back at the Academy kept coming to me. The night it all changed and our whole world turned topsy turvy.

A crash followers by a soft thud and I almost heaved a sigh of relief that she had escaped - for the time being.

"Marlen, you puny!" I yelled. "I paid you and this is how you double cross me?" I screamed, attacking him first. He was their weakest member.

"I never knew you were planning to -" I had grabbed a piece of furniture wood from the littered floor and thrust it in his heart. His mouth gaped open and he collapsed, just as I turned my attention to the otters.

Nathan pounced on me as I intercepted the attack. His attacks were sloppy. Untrained Moroi brats.

"Nina!" I screamed. "Did you know that Nathan slept with Inna the other day! And she pleasured him all night."

"What?" Nina was at Nathan's throat, almost throwing me off.

"He's lying babe!" he seemed to try to pacify her.

"I have proof!" I cuckled, bringing down a old sword from the wall.

"I've caught you red handed with that bitch at times. I know what you can or can't" she hissed.

"You don't deserve me you slut!" he now shoved her back, showing his true colours. Nina didn't need any more provoking as they clawed at each other. I took the sword and swiftly decapitated Marlen! Content in the fact that they were killing each other off. Taking out the matchbox from my vest pocket, I lot a fire and tossed it on the body.

Flames engulfed it steadily.

LIVE TO KILL ( Vampire Academy Dimitri's POV In BLOOD PROMISE)Where stories live. Discover now