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(A/N) Hey guys! Sorry it's been, like, a week since I've updated. Literally right after I updated the story, my charger suddenly stopped charging my laptop. I looked at it. and the tip of it had a bunch of it's wires were sticking out of everywhere. Yeah. When I got to my dad's house today, I finally went to a store and got a new one. Yep, that's pretty much the only reason. So, anyway, I'm finally writing the chapter! I'll try and make it the same length of the last chapter, around 1000 words. All of my chapters aren't going to have a specific order, it just depends what I plan on happening next. If you like this story so far please vote, comment, and follow. This chapter is dedicated to *drumroll*...... soccergirl91, for giving me such a nice comment and answering the question correct! Without further ado I give you Chapter 2, Leo!


Leo couldn't think straight.

Ever since the dream he had, his mind was clouded, as if it were filled with cotton. It could've been his lack of sleep or his constant racing thoughts, but he mostly blamed Gaea. Ever since the House of Hades, she has been sending him constant dreams, even if he only drifted off for a minute.

So, just as Percy's head disappeared through the doorway, Leo collapsed on his knees. He groaned and held his aching head in his hands. Everything around him looked fuzzy and blurred. Leo blinked his eyes, trying to clear his vision.

After a few minutes of sitting there, everything around him slowly came back into focus. With wobbly legs, he stood, leaning one hand on the wall for support. He shook his head once more before following Percy's footsteps and walking out the door. 

Leo made his way down the hallway, (and not to gracefully mind you), toward the mess hall. As he approached the door, he gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the throbbing pain behind his eyes. With one hand on the door he pushed it open, immediately plastering a fake grin on his face.

Everyone besides Percy was already in their seats, hair a mess and eyes blood shot. They all mumbled a greeting as Leo sat in his seat between Jason and Frank. They sat in silence. He tapped his fingers on the table, waiting. 

Just as he was about to break the silence with some stupid joke, Percy burst through the door, a grin on his face. He sat down, glancing at everyone around the table.

"So," he said, "shall we get started?" Leo rolled his eyes.

"Well Water Boy, it's not like we can say no." Percy smiled and cleared his throat.

"To put it simply, I think we have an intruder," he said, all happiness gone from his face. Immediately, questions exploded from around table.

"How do you know this?"

"When did you find out?"

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"Who is it?"

"Stop!" Percy yelled, slamming his hand down on the table. Everyone stopped, sitting back in their seats. Leo silently thanked him. The noise was definitely not helping his headache.

"Okay, okay, okay, I know, you want an explanation," he said, raising his hands in surrender.

"Well no duh Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth said, exasperated, "I mean, how do you know?"

"Okay, I was out on guard duty, like I was supposed to be, when...." he recounted what happened with the shadowy figure, how it had hid in a barrel, and later, leapt over the railing, not leaving any evidence of him hitting the water. After he was finished everyone sat there, not saying a word.

"Wow," Leo breathed, breaking the silence. How did this 'Shadow Man' escape so easily?

"So," Frank said, "did you just call the meeting right after or...?" Percy's eyes lit up, as if suddenly remembering something. He slid his hand into his pocket.

As soon as he pulled out the object, Leo nearly threw up. It was a small piece of white cloth, wrinkled, and splattered with mud and soot. It's silky surface shined like pearls. As soon as he got one look at it, he knew. Leo would recognize that white, velvet-like fabric anywhere. Heck, he had seen it every single day for a week straight, worn by the most beautiful girl in the world.

Leo's eyes stung, head pounding painfully. He needed to get out before he lost it.

"Well," Percy said, interrupting Leo's thoughts, "as I was putting the barrel back, I looked inside and found this." He threw it to the middle of the table for everyone to look at. They passed it around, talking amongst themselves. But Leo wasn't paying attention, he was to busy trying to make up an excuse to leave. He blinked, feeling like his eyes were being pulled out by tweezers.

Just as he was about to give probably the lamest excuse ever, the sound of Festus creaking and groaning protruded from the speakers. Leo quickly stood up, vision swimming.

"I'll go see what's wrong," he slurred, taking a step toward the stairs. Leo staggered, everything around him spinning. He dared another step forward, but the dizziness overcame him and he fell to the floor. 

He heard someone cry out, the pounding of feet coming toward him. Through his blurry vision he saw faces above him, shaking his shoulders, calling his name. Leo turned his head to the right, a flash af white catching his eye.

It was the piece of cloth, sitting on the edge of the table, sparkling like sunlight reflecting off the sea. Suddenly, as if pulled off by an invisible hand, it flew off the table. The fabric fluttered toward the ground, everything around Leo suddenly going in slow motion.

It hit the floor next to Leo's hand, almost close enough for him to reach out and grab it. The scent of cinnamon hit his nose, making him smile. He felt something being put into his mouth, tasting of stew and bread. Immediately, warmth spread throughout his body, his vision fading in and out.

Calypso, he thought, just as he slipped into unconciousness.


(A/N) Soo.... yeah, what did you think? I kind of rushed the ending, I do that with everything I write. Not really unusual. I don't have anything to put here... ugh. Well, I hope this chapter was satisfying for you guys. Yep. The next chapter should be out soon, (unless there is another unexpected computer flaw). So, here is the question!

(>‘o’)> Question <(’o‘<)


How did Leo's mother die? (¬, ¬)


Dedication goes to whoever answers it correct first!

If you liked this chapter, please vote, comment, follow, and join Team Leo!


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