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(A/N) Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long, I've been extremely busy lately. But hey, I'm back! I do have a few announcements though. First is that, starting now, I will only be updating on the weekends. Well, with the exception of school breaks and summer, I'll be udating regularly then. Sorry to those who are upset by this. The weekends are when I'm at my dad's house, he lets me on my computer all day, unlike my mom. Next is... uhm ..... well crap, I forgot. Eh, it'll probably come to me as I'm writing, I'll just put it in the second Author's Note. Okay, so, I will try and make this chapter as lengthy as the previous one's (1000+ words). If you like this story so far please vote, comment, and follow. This chapter is dedicated to *drumroll*........ xFangirlz456x! Thank you and sorry everyone else who gave me those amazing comments, you don't know how much they mean to me :). Without further ado I give you Chapter 3, Piper!


Piper was worried.

Not because of Percy's announcement, but because of what happened afterwards. Leo's fainting spell had surprised all of them. One moment he was happy, smiling his usual impish grin, and the next he was on the floor, eyes wide and vacant.

Piper shook his shoulders as his eyes struggled to stay open. 

"Ambrosia!" someone shouted to her left. She frantically searched her pockets, eyes never leaving Leo's as she did so. 

"Got it!" Hazel yelled, thrusting a piece of godly food toward her. She nearly dropped it as she shoved the whole square into his mouth.

He sighed as his eyes finally closed, his lips turning up into a small grin. Piper let out a shaky sigh herself when Leo's limbs relaxed, finally unconscious. They sat there in silence for a few minutes, staring, until Percy spoke up.

"Me and Jason will take him to the infirmary," he said, glancing over at the blonde haired Roman. He blinked once before nodding. They stood, Jason gripping his arms and Percy taking his feet. They shuffled out the door, carrying the limp body of Leo between them.

Once they were gone, the rest of the seven stood in uneasy silence. After a few moments, the small group went their separate ways, following Jason and Percy out the door. Piper was the last one to leave, closing the door behind her as she stepped into the hall.

Practically sprinting, she rushed to the infirmary. She rounded the corner, running into Annabeth and sending them both sprawling. She leaped to her feet.

"Sorry," she said, putting out her hand. Annabeth clasped it, struggling to her feet. 

"It's fine," she replied, giving her an uneasy smile. Piper returned it before she walked passed Annabeth into the infirmary.

Percy and Jason were still in there, standing over one of the many beds in the room. She slowly made her way over to them. Piper took one of the many seats next to the bedside, looking down at the unconscious body of Leo. She looked up at the two demigods.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked, her voice shaking. The boys looked at their feet uneasily. They didn't answer for at least a few minutes.

"Well," Percy finally said, "that's the problem. We don't know. I mean, Annabeth doesn't even know. She thinks it might just be Gaea messing with him, but if not..." he shrugged.

"That aside, we've been giving him as much nectar and ambrosia his body can handle. The only thing we can do now it wait." Jason finished, coming over to sit in the vacant seat next to her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Percy excused himself, giving a little wave before leaving the room. When he was gone, Piper leaned over and planted a quick kiss on Jason's cheek. He smiled and took Piper's hand in his free one, pulling her closer. He turned her face towards his and kissed her. Warmth spread from her head to her toes. She never wanted the moment to end.

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