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(A/N) Oh my gosh guys, I am ubër sorry! It's almost been 4 months and I still haven't updated. I don't have any good excuses, but I've literally had no good plot ideas for months. It's like my imagination just crawled into a hole and slept for 4 months. Once again I am really really REALLY sorry. Okay, so this chapter is dedicated to *drumroll*............. hayalexis2323!! Thanks and sorry to anyone else who voted and commented. Well, I don't really have any other updates so let's just move on to the story. Without further ado I give you Chapter 6, Frank!


Frank really hates fire.

And waking up with orange flames curling around his body didn't exactly change his opinion. He yelped and jumped to his feet, mind racing, desperately trying to pat out the flames. Pain racked his body as the fire enveloped him, only his head remaining untouched. Sweat streamed down his face and sizzled as it met the flames.

With a jolt he remembered the piece of firewood and quickly thrust his hand into his pocket, thinking it would be safely inside the fireproof bag Leo gave him. When he pulled it out he cried out, eyes widening in terror as his lifeline, now the size of a finger, slowly burned.

Frank covered the burning wood with his hands and tried to smother the flames, ignoring the searing pain in his fingers. Slowly, he cupped his hands, now holding nothing but ash and splinters. Frank's vision blurred and his head spinned as he fell to the floor, tears coming to his eyes.

I'm sorry everyone, he thought to himself, vision tinted red with pain. Images of the other seven danced through his head, laughing and smiling, calling his name. Suddenly, Hazel was there kneeling down next to him, her hand on his shoulder. She smiled, her golden eyes glinting from the reflection of the flames.

Frank, she said, laughing and shaking his shoulder.

Frank, she said again, more urgently this time, Frank Zhang. FRANK!

Frank's eyes flew open and he bolted upright, his forehead colliding with something hanging above him. He heard a grunt and someone laugh with relief. He blinked, trying to clear his blurry vision.

"Hazel?" he croaked, blowing away the strands of curly hair that dangled in his face. Frank sighed in relief and pushed himself to his feet. He looked around, his vision back to normal, and cleared his throat.

"Where exactly are we?" he asked, turning to the rest of the seven (minus one) who looked equally confused. Percy scratched his head.

"Don't know, but it looks like the parking lot of a store," he said. Frank nodded, noticing the faint traces of white lines on the ground and the small shop in front of them.

"Doesn't seem to get much business though," Jason said, gesturing to the single old, beat up car parked by the front door.

"Um, that's because it's closed," Hazel said, looking at the 'closed' sign in the window.

"Oh," he mumbled, blushing slightly. Piper took his hand, attempting, and failing, to hide a smile. Frank glanced around nervously.

"So, what do we do now? I mean, that Phobetor guy just transported us here without much of a hint as how were supposed to get to Leo," he said. Suddenly Piper gasped, wide eyes fixed on something over his shoulder.

"I think we should follow him," she said, pointing. Frank spun and noticed a transparent figure clad in a shadowy cloak near a door at the side of the building, its arm waving as if beckoning them over. He swallowed nervously and forced his feet to move forward, taking the lead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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