Chapter 6: The Catalyst

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My anemic legs remain paralyzed as I stand between Xavier and my father, with the latter still holding onto Xavier's shirt with a vehement passion. A sharp sensation courses through the back of my scalp, as if every nerve in my body was desperately trying to activate my 'fight or flight' senses. I take a short glance at my mother. Her irises are completely bleached in fear as she stares anxiously at my father, who's glaring at Xavier as if he was a criminal.

Which he is, but that's beside the point.

Time begins to slowly move forward again as I watch my dad forcefully pull Xavier closer to his face. Despite their noses being mere millimeters away from each other now, Xavier's smile doesn't falter once.

"Listen to me, kid. If you ever touch my son again --"

"Don't you mean your daughter?" Xavier says sarcastically. If he said this years ago, I would've sparked a fight with him. But after months of abuse and humiliation, you learn to let go of the small things.

My dad, on the other hand, is far past his tipping point. His eyes were searing with unadulterated rage and disgust. His tense body, vibrating pupils, and exhausted hair were all hints towards what he was thinking.

How did I give birth to this? Where did I go wrong? Is it me? Is it August? Sarah?

With each second that passed, it became clearer and clearer that Xavier only had one intention - to break him. To push him. To shatter him. The same way he's shattered mom.

The same way he's shattered me.

"I don't know where you get off committing assault, boy, but rest assured that whatever you did to August, I'm going to do to you ten-fold," he said with a solemn tone. The coolness of his voice eerily contrasted with the fiery passion in his eyes. I would almost be flattered if he wasn't threatening to kill my brother.

"Then go ahead, old man! What are you waiting for? My hands are down. Might as well get a few shots in before I feel like putting them up, right?" Xavier taunts. His grin still doesn't fade. I can feel my heartbeat stop as I catch a fierce gleam in my father's eye.

Is he considering breaking Xavier's arm?

It's not as if he doesn't have the power to do it. My dad stands at least half a foot taller than Xavier, and weighs at least 70 more pounds than him. He could practically crush Xavier if he wanted to.

But he wouldn't, right? Not in front of Mom. Not in front of me.

At that moment, my dad's temper snaps. He forces Xavier onto the floor, who's smile - remarkably - stays plastered on his face. He uses his knee to pin Xavier to the ground so that his stomach is on the floor.

"Ash, no!!" my mother exclaims. She reaches an unsteady hand towards their direction, but doesn't budge her legs.

"Stay back, Sarah. If the police won't teach this kid some manners, then I will." my father says calmly. He pulls out a ballpoint pen from his pocket and raises it over the back of Xavier's head.

He's going to stab Xavier.

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Chapter 7 will be released tomorrow.

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