Chapter Four

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                  Amira Wright

Taking my last pull of the wine black and mild, I closed out the instagram app. My phone began to ring showing a call from Trina, my older cousin. I answered her call as I threw the filter out.

"Hello, wassup girl" I answered wondering why I just didn't ignore her call. I already knew what she wanted and on que, "Girllll, you coming through the hood Today? It's deep asl." Trina said loudly through my speaker. "Sure. Yeah. Just give me a minute to freshen up. I not too long ago got off work." "Okay, okay. See you cousin." Trina said quickly before hanging up.

I took a moment before exiting my car and heading for the house. I lived in a single wide trailer that was three bedrooms with two bathrooms. My mom worked as a CNA at a local group home. Her CNA work managed to make ends meet, and provide for myself and two younger siblings over the years. There have been times where she'd pick up second jobs. I admired her work ethic.

On the other hand, I graduated high school three months ago and still do not know what I'd like to do with my life. I often sit in my car pondering on what's next. I have to figure out something within three more months. I'll be eighteen and according to her adults pay bills.

I didn't take too long handling my hygiene. I threw on some distressed boyfriend jeans, a simple chanel tank top, with some white air forces. I put on hoop earrings, then sprayed on some Dolce and Gabanna Light Blue perfume. My hair were in braids leaving nothing else to be done. I grabbed my keys, exiting the house.

Arriving in the hood, I see it was a good day. The music was loud, grills were going, and everyone was out. I backed my car into the parking space in front of Tiffany's building. Tiffany and Trina are fraternal twins. My uncle is their dad. He's currently incarcerated.

We all sat at the old patio near the rundown playground for the neighborhood kids. Trina, Tiffany, their step sister Tia, and I. "I mean I might just keep my baby. I'm not getting any younger  and this is real love with Rod." Trina said moreso trying to convince herself. "Well if you do and only you can make that decision just make sure you're ready for this responsibility. And are you sure he left his babymama?" Tiffany questioned. "Unpopular opinion, but you not scared he's gonna do you the same way?" I tried to reason with Trina. "Why y'all so negative? Be happy for me without all the make sures and questions. He's been with me the past three nights, wanting to be a family. I just sat back and decided to mind my business zoning out. Trina and Tiffany continued back and forth. Tia managed to sneak off, us not noticing. I saw the Tahoe that almost hit me earlier going over the speed bumps, pulling to the building next to the one my car was parked.

Deciding to change the subject I told the girls about earlier, how he almost hit me, then had a smart mouth. Both were like, "Fine ass Marc and you didn't get his number." "I think y'all missed the point where he had the audacity to not even apologize." "Well that's our classmate and I can honestly say he was good people throughout school or whatever." "Yeah I can't tell." I lousily replied as we all made our way to my car. We decided to head to the hair store so, Tiffany could do the girl upstairs some braids, and Trina needed a touch up.

Before we could get in the car to leave a lady approached yelling bitch this, bitch that, and Rod this and that. A group of girls were hot on her trail. I didn't take long to connect the dots. This was about to be some bullshit.

"So, you're the bitch that's been with Rod?" Before another word could be said Tiffany told Trina to step aside since she's pregnant and that she'd handle this one. Tiffany swung on the girl, missing and this gave the girl the upper hand. Two other girls jumped in causing me and Trina to go for what we knew. Trina and I held our own while Tiffany never was a fighter. I was on top of the one called Monique beating her ass when I was scooped up and slung to the side. I could hear police sirens now, letting me know ol lady Mable had called the police.

I noticed it was the dude from earlier and his boys that broke us up. By this point the police were approaching us. A few questions were asked, and our miranda rights were being read to us. We were handcuffed and placed in the back seat.

Just like that this would officially be the worst day of my life. I should've stayed by black ass at home.


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