Chapter Five

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                 Marc Reynolds
Soon everyone's attention turned to a group of girls fussing about to fight. I noticed one being Ashleigh, Jasmina's sister and the small frame chick from McDonald's.

The fight popped off with twin sister fighting Keyonna. This girl popped off the fight and was getting her ass drug. Twon was clowning her ass and I was laughing like hell. Then, I saw Monique and Ashleigh jump in. The other twin and the small frame girl jumped in as well. I noticed ol girl was holding her own against Monique.

Everyone had phones out recording the fight. All you could hear were ooohs and aahh damn.  Twon, Mario, and I decided to break the fight up as Ms. Mable was ranting for it to stop and she was calling the police.

"Ms. Mable ass have 911 on speed dial, look at how fast they arrived." Twon said laughing. "Hell nah. Fr some bout when she call em." I watched the police question them before handcuffing all of them. "Gawd. They sho snapped then. All of em getting locked up." Mario country ass said. He also added, "Can't beleive Mira ass going down too, she was throwing them bitches tho." "Which one that is?" Twon asked. "The one with braids, that's small framed compared to the rest." "Oh yeah. That's Marc girl right there. This nigga almost hit ha ass at McDonald's earlier. Mario and Twon tripped out on my ass. I just chuckled smh.

I noticed the time and dapped my boys up telling them I would fw them later.

Soon as I made it to the crib, I showered up. I put on a plain black t-shirt and some gym shorts. I just laid around scrolling on twitter and instagram until my condo doorbell rung. Assuming
it was Kira I made my way to the door.

I checked the peephole to see Kira on the otherside. This situationship that we had for two years had its ups and downs, but this was my rock. I did typical nigga shit, but Kira knew where my heart was and that's with her. I just hope Jasmina baby isn't mine. That may be the final straw for Kira. I was taken from my thoughts as she hugged and kissed on me telling me how much she missed me. Kira was a travelling RN.

We watched a movie on Netflix together, then she headed to my fridge to prepare some dinner. Our small talk consisted of how New York went for her and how I'd have two new clients tomorrow at the shop. My phone buzzed notifying me I had a message from Jasmina. This girl was getting mad aggy so, I put her on dnd. "Who was that baby?" Thinking quick, "My little sister asking if Ima take her to the daddy/daughter dance." I relaxed my facial muscles as I lied to Kira so easily. "Awe. Okay baby that's so nice of you to do. She won't feel left out compared to the other kids." Kira smiled at me in admiration as she cut up the onions. Kira believed any and everything I told her. The only reason I was previously caught is because hoes would send screenshots. That's why I try not to text when doing my dirt. Calls only.

My phone begin ringing showing Jay calling me. "Wassup nigga?" "Shit ya ass security now breaking up fights. Hell nah." "Nigga how the hell you know? Twon must've told ya?" "Nigga turn on channel 6 News. Them hoes made the news. Know OG them mad. They made the block hot with that one." Jay said laughing. He even had the tea. Apparently twin pregnant by that lame ass nigga Rod. Rod is also Keyonna babydaddy. "Yeah nigga. That's gonna be you, Jas, and Kira in a few months." I turned my in call volume down with quickness, hoping Kira didn't hear that. If she did Jay was gonna have to shoot me my one. "Man. Nigga just chill with all that and stop gossiping like female." Kira continued stirring the pot and checking on the bread. I was in the clear for now.

I did turn on the flat screen I had on the kitchen wall. Sure enough, News 6 had a full clip of the fight along with Mario, Twon, and I breaking it up. Kira tuned to it watching it as well. "Why the fuck you holding her like that, so damn close?" "Baby I just pulled her off Monique, that's it. None like that going on." "Mhm. Mmcht. Let me find out."

Honestly I only seen this Mira hoe two times and that was today. Now I thought back and decided to take her appearance in. She did smell good as hell When I lifted her. I really was smelling her perfume.  The next morning I was awakened to the smell of breakfast, however I just had an intense wet dream off that Amira hoe and needed to clean myself up. Lord help my ain't shit ways for Kira and I's sake.

I cut off the shower and began brushing my teeth. "Marc why is a Jasmina sending me a message request asking if I know you?" Shit. Shit. Shit.

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