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"Bye mum", Perry waved at her mom. She never knew that that would be her last wave. She walked into her dad's car. He wanted to drop she and her brother Tyler off at school before he went to his Office. Mr Skye is a Mechanical Engineer. His wife Mrs Skye is a Journalist. "There you go kids" Mr Skye said as they got to the front of their school.

The two children came down and gave their father a peck.

"I'll come pick you up after school and we can go out from there" he said to them.

"Okay dad" Perry replied.

They both walked into their classes as their dad drove away. Perry is in 12th grade while Tyler is in 9th grade. School continued as the bell rang from one class to the other. It seemed as if the day was going fine not until Perry met Jade.

Jade was one of the guys that most girls fell for but he never wanted such attention because he wasn't in for such. He liked Perry but she will never "hang around with that fool" as she always said.

"Hey Perry" Jade called.

She looked at him so irritatingly and felt like spitting right on his face. Perry has always misunderstood who Jade was, she never knew that he sincerely didn't want the type of attention he gets. He is a believer but she never knew because of how people hyped him in school

"Why that look?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just don't feel comfortable around you, that's all. May you let me pass, I need to get going"

"I only want to have a word with you. I promise, I won't waste much of your time" Jade said.

"Okay go on, but just for a limited amount of time because my dad would soon come and pickup Tyler and myself".
Jade nodded.

He discussed with her about applying to college and how he has been unable to do so because he admitted that it was quite stressful .Perry helped out by telling him all the procedures he needed to take before thinking of applying to any college. While she continued to talk, she heard the horn of her dad's car, she stood up and waved to Jade.

"Thanks" Jade said while she waved.

"You are welcome. I will chat you when I get home so that we can continue. By the way, I loved your company" she said in a funny way. Jade laughed and went his way.

"Hello young man" she said to her dad.

"Do you think I am a young man, wow I am so happy to hear that" Mr Skye said.

"No you are not" Tyler said from the back seat in the car. "Of course not! You are old, don't even think of that" they all laughed

"Well how was your day, I hope it went well"
"Yes" they both replied.

"Guys guess what! we are going to WalMart you guys should get whatever you want"

" This is great, I am so happy, Can I get Maya a present, her birthday is tomorrow." Perry asked.

"Yes you can, why not? Your mum needs some hair rollers, Perry remind me when we get there"
"Okay! Let say hi to her" she said as she picked up her phone to call her mum.

Perry Skye[Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now