Strange Arrivals

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"Wow, I've never seen the penthouse so spotless!" exclaimed Sam.

"Totally!" agreed Clover. "No way our Mums will think we're slobs after they see how tidy this place is!" The two girls surveyed the living room of their penthouse that they had spent the best part of a week cleaning. They had been getting the place all presentable for their mothers' visit, while Alex tried to persuade Oinky, her pet pig, to take a much-needed bath!

"Well, I think we can afford to chill now," said Sam. "As soon as our mothers get here, I say we all go straight to the beach for some swimming and sunbathing!"

But before Clover could respond, there was a sudden crash from the bathroom and a rather muddy pig suddenly bolted through the door and across the living room carpet before jumping onto the sofa, leaving muddy footprints all over the place.

"Oh no!" groaned Sam as she watched all their hard work get undone.

"ALEX!" yelled Clover angrily. "Just look at the mess your pig has just made!"

"Sorry guys!" said Alex sheepishly as she strolled in, covered in mud and bath foam. "I've been having trouble trying to get Oinky cleaned up. You know how much he hates baths!"

"Ah well," Sam sighed, looking at her watch

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"Ah well," Sam sighed, looking at her watch. " Our mums won't be arriving for another hour, so we might just be able to get this place cleaned up in time."

Suddenly, the floor disappeared beneath their feet and the girls suddenly found themselves sliding down the long chute leading to Jerry's office! With a thud, they landed in a pile on the familiar red sofa.

"Jerry! This is so not the best time for a mission!" Clover complained.

"Yeah, we're expecting our mums to arrive at any minute!" Alex protested.

The expression on Jerry's face was grave. "Sorry girls, but I'm afraid the reason I called you regards your mothers. I'm afraid that they seem to have been kidnapped!"

The spies were horrified! "WHAT! HOW?" they exclaimed in unison.

Jerry decided to start at the beginning. "A week ago we had a rather strange breakout at the WOOHP containment facility. Your old enemy Sebastian Saga was in his cell, when this happened."

The screen on the wall started to play footage from the security camera in the cell. Lying on a bunk was indeed Sebastian, the villain who had twice tried to use hypnotic music to take over the world. Suddenly, a wheezing, groaning noise filled the room, and to the girls' astonishment, a grandfather clock appeared out of thin air right in the middle of the cell. A door opened and a rather surprised Sebastian got to his feet and walked into the clock. Seconds later, the groaning noise returned and the clock vanished!

"Three days later," Jerry continued, "Sebastian suddenly turned up at the WOOHP archive facility, along with a hooded accomplice who we have been unable to identify. Somehow they managed to break into the vault and steal what we have only just now identified as one of the two surviving Jewels of Sumatra."

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