Michael Myers | One and the Same

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(A/N): This is a pretty funky one-shot I think. didn't turn out as good as I'd wanted it to, but it isn't too bad I don't think. An interesting concept, and I like the last little bit of it quite a lot.

The deafening music, the flashing strobe lights and the shrill, endless screaming all mix together in a cocktail of overwhelming terror strangling you like an unbreakable barracuda. You're crouched down in the shadows provided by a flimsy closet door in the old Myers house, battling away the urge to throw up from fear. You'd been invited by your friends to a wicked Halloween party in the old Myers house, and you'd hated the idea but you were no chicken. Now, you laugh at the irony since you basically are helpless poultry, being hunted by an unstoppable wolf. There had been a good fifty people crammed into this small house when Michael had kicked in the door. He was greeted with false terror and even some laughs, everyone guessing it was just an act played out because of the parties location; that amusement was crushed into nothing when the blade met in a poor boy's neck. You'd been lucky, having stepped away from the party seconds before the Shape arrived, seeking out peace and quiet. The moment you heard a scream you knew what was going on and you'd hidden where you are now, the closet in the room previously belonging to Judith Myers.

    You were still as stone as the screams downstairs continued. How many had been killed so far? How many escaped? How many were dying as you hid like a coward? Should you help them?

    Let them die. They deserve it. There was that stupid voice again, the sadistic side of you that cried out for you to seek out blood and take revenge on anyone who did so much as bother you the tiniest bit. It got out of control sometimes, and tapped into your irrational and violent side, but now with nothing better to do you managed to push it away and subdue it enough not to do anything stupid and try catching a glimpse of the murder spree. It was honestly tempting; you'd always thought blood was beautiful, the concept of life being so fragile and elegant, but you'd managed to hold back from testing the ability to take one's life away with a simple slice.

    You were ripped violently from your thoughts as the closet doors rattled in an attempt to get them open, but you'd bound them shut with an old length of rope and thank god you had.

    "Let me in!!" the girl on the other side had descended into hysterics, the wailing voice of hers not drawing the tiniest bit of sympathy from your heart as your self-preservation instincts stood strong. You weren't risking your own life for this loud, sobbing girl, she'd just give away your hiding spot and get the both of you killed. "Help me, please let me in!!" you shake your head to no one, and as if on cue, accenting your final decision, she lets out a scream. A loud thud echoes through the room as she falls against the closet doors, rattling them on their hinges. The smell of blood hits you in the back of your throat, the metallic scent comforting in a scary way. That wasn't your blood, you'd outlived them. You were stronger than them.

    Still, the shadow of the killer on the other side of the closet doors scared you into silence. He could smash through those closet doors in a heartbeat. You spotted a trickle of scarlet slip under the door, closer and closer to your foot. You don't pay any mind, returning your focus to the shadow blocking out the strobe lights from the room just outside. The music blocks out any sound, the song Low by Flo Rida was booming through the house, muffled by the walls and floor but still making your head ache. Minutes passed, and the shadow stayed perfectly still all the while, so you did too. You could hear the voice nagging in the back of your mind but you didn't know what it was saying to you. The music drowned it out. It was quieter than usual, as if calmed by the killers presence through the door. The shadow shifted, and you were momentarily sure that he'd crash through the doors right then and there, but to your surprise he leaves, his heavy footsteps fading away. You let out a loud breath, your hand leaving it's place over your mouth and setting on the floor beside you, directly in the growing puddle of blood.

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