Jason Voorhees | Dont Be Scared

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The sun was sinking slowly, the air warm, the sky a fading blue and cloudless. The birds sang through the forests of Camp Crystal Lake, fluttering through the towering trees. In the depths of the forest, minutes from the glassy lake was a cabin, in pristine condition thanks to your care and renovation, brightly coloured flowers springing up from the grasses around and accenting the perfection of the day. You hum a little tune as you slip out of your bedroom, a towel slung over your shoulder and a bathing suit hugging your form. There's an evident bounce in your step as you make your way towards the front door, slipping your feet into your flip flops and prepping for a satisfying swim to save you from the heat. Your fingers tighten around the door handle, and you pluck the sunscreen from the table beside the door. Just as you pull on the knob and prepare to step out onto the porch, a large hand slams it shut again. You turn your head to face the love of your life, and see his familiar hockey mask and nervous gaze. He tilts his head, a silent question, 'where are you going?' his eyes say, and you smile a small, comforting smile.
    "Just for a swim, Jay!" you explain, placing a hand on his masked cheek. The worry in his eyes doubles, and he shifts to stand in between you and the door with a shake to his head. His hands find yours and he pulls them away from the door. "Come on, Jason, I'll be okay, I promise." you try to convince the man in front of you, but he still doesn't budge. "Jason..." you coo, and pull him towards you, embracing him in a tight hug and swaying gently on your feet in a soothing manner. "I can swim just fine, and if you're really so worried about me, maybe you can come?" you feel him tense at your words, and rush to elaborate before he grows even more scared, "just stand on the dock, there to save me if anything happens- which it wont!" Jason's muscles relax, and he places his own arms around you, resting his chin on your head. He lets out a nervous, thoughtful hum, and then you feel his head shift in a nod. Your smile returns, and you pull away, placing a quick kiss on the nose of his mask. "Thank you so much, love! Go get some shorts on, it's too hot to wear your jacket."

    Jason hurries away, not eager, but not wanting to keep you waiting as you step out onto the porch to wait for him. The sunlight warms your face and turns your skin sticky with sweat in mere moments. A swim will be fantastic. You take a deep, relaxing breath of the fresh clean air, scanning the foliage and the dense greenery around you. Somewhere, a woodpecker hammers at a tree, and you swear you see the flicker of a racoons tail disappearing into the brush. Your door opens behind you, and you turn to face Jason- he's now wearing a loose white tank top and one of the pairs of swim shorts you'd bought him in hopes of convincing him to try learning to swim. This one particular pair had been more of a joke, but Jason totally rocked them- they were a pale purple, littered with depictions of pineapples, flamingoes, and a tropical alcoholic drink you couldn't quite remember the name of. Your smile widens, and you can't help but hug him again.
    "Well don't you look handsome!" you say, pulling away and taking his outfit in one more time. He looks a little bit embarrassed now, but you take his hand and set off down the porch towards the trail that will lead you to the lake. You know why he's scared of water, and a part of you has always felt guilty for trying to get him to face his fears- but he was a grown man, and a strong one, too. You didn't want him to be afraid of anything, especially something that's such a big part of his life. He can't move the lake, so he should get used to it, shouldn't he? You brush the idea aside, continuing your comfortably silent walk down the pathway through the trees. Light filters through their web of branches overhead, casting an ethereal glow all around you and making a perfect setting. At last, you break from the trees and the lake comes into view in all of its glory.

    "I've always loved this lake..." you mutter, breathless, and though Jason doesn't nod his agreement you can see he at least wishes he could say the same. Now, Jason takes the lead, hurrying towards the dock and eager to get this over with. You cross grass, and then a strip of sand before your flip flops touch down on the wood panelling of the dock. It was smooth and rather old, but, just like your cabin, you had maintained it as much as possible so that it would do its job efficiently. You tossed your towel haphazardly onto the ground, the sunscreen joining moments later; you had already put some on, but it never hurt to bring more in case you needed to use it again. You glance at Jason once more, but the man isn't looking at you like he usually is. Instead, his frightened eyes are glued to the lake, scanning oh-so slowly over the glossy surface. You see him shudder, and your hand shifts to rest on his bicep. "It's okay, Jay. I promise." now, his head turns to you, and he gives you a hesitant nod. The sun, warm as ever, beating down upon your form is enough to send you leaping straight into the water in a clean dive. You stay underneath for one moment, then two, as you rise back to the surface and Jason has hardly ever been more frightened. For the two seconds you're submerged thoughts race through his head, thoughts of you staying under, thoughts of him leaping into the lake to save you. You break the surface with a smile on your face and the thoughts vanish. "The water is so warm!" you call out with a chuckle, running a hand over your hair to move it out of your eyes. The action is ignored, however, as seconds later you plug your nose and dunk underneath the water once more. The underwater sounds are both loud and quiet at the same time, something you'd always loved. The cold, the pressure, the calm, it was all so fantastic, and it hurt your heart to know that Jason was missing out. A sudden determination pulses through you, and you break the surface once more, your gaze set on Jason.

    "Jason?" you ask, and swim effortlessly back towards to dock. Your fingers curl around the wooden floor and you heave yourself upwards so your arms rest on the surface, hoisting you up. Jason sits down on the end of the dock, legs crossed. He tilts his head, nodding for you to continue. Every few moments his eyes flicker back to the water rippling around your waist as if some beast will leap up and drag you under. "Are you sure you can't come in?" before the sentence is even finished Jason is shaking your head, and one of your arms shifts to rest on his hand, set on the wooden landing to support his sitting position. "Please? I promise I'll keep you safe. You see how I'm swimming, right? Nothing is happening to me." you let go, falling backwards into the water with a splash, and Jason rockets to his feet again, ready to leap to your rescue. As before, you resurface just fine. "We don't have to go this far, only waist level?" your eyes are big and round and pleading, and Jason's gaze flicks from you to the water. You swim back to the dock and hoist yourself up again. The long moment that passes almost makes you think he'll say no, but he's never been able to say no to you. Jason lets out a sigh, and, reluctant, nods his head. Your smile returns strongly, and you drop back into the water, swimming rapidly towards shore to meet him so the two of you could wade in slowly. "Thank you, Jason! It'll be okay." you rise from the water, watching him kick off his shoes and approach you. "You trust me?" you ask, and Jason nods without any hesitation. He swallows hard.

    You take his hand, guiding him slowly to the water's edge as the waves ripple towards you. Your toes touch the water, but Jason is still behind you. "It's okay, Jay. Take your time." Progress is slow as he takes small steps, but soon his feet are touching the water, and then they're submerged completely. Every step makes your smile grow and your heart warm, and Jason seems to grow more confident the further he goes as well. "You're doing fantastic!" you praise, and the worry fades completely from his eyes. The water reaches his knees, and the fingertips of his free hand brushes the surface gently. More baby steps, and the water reaches the base of his swim trunks, then mid-calf, and then, just like that, it's around his waist. He's nervous again, his hand catching yours in a death grip, but he's bearing it for your sake and he's doing a great job. "See? That wasn't too bad, was it? You did good!" he turns to you, slowly and rigidly, and pulls you tightly into a hug. You can tell he isn't very fond of the water. "You don't like it?" he doesn't answer straight away, but his response is predictable anyways- a shake of his head and an almost inaudible whimper. You can't help but chuckle and you feel like a bastard for doing it. "That's okay, we can go back now. It's gonna be dark soon anyways. Wanna sit on the dock?" you ask, and as if to accent the statement of the approaching sunset, an owl hoots somewhere deep in the forest. Jason nods his head, and sets off back to shore almost immediately. His movements are quicker than his descent into the lake, but he still seems afraid to be moving in the water at all. He still has your hand as you creep back to shore. The moment the water is around his ankles he rushes to safety with a relieved sigh. "What do you say we make that a usual th-" Jason shakes his head furiously, and gives you a playful shove. "Come on, let's go sit."

    You don't bother putting your shoes back on, sand clinging to your feet and brushing off as they set down on wood. Your beach towel is a big one, so you lay it out to sit on top of, Jason at your side. Your head finds his shoulder, his arm wrapping around your waist and holding you tight. "Thanks for trying, Jason. It means a lot to me, and you don't have to do it again." you tilt your head to look at him, catching his gorgeous eyes and smiling warmly. The sun turns the sky orange and red, the lake reflecting the collage of colours so it seemed as if it were aflame. He shakes his head, pulling his arm away from your waist to sign, 'Try again tomorrow'. His arm wraps around your waist again. You can't help yourself as you shift to kiss the cheek of his mask. As you sit down again, he rests his head on top of yours and lets out a loving hum. "I love you too, Jason. You're perfect."

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