Danny 'Jed Olsen' Johnson | Porch Swing

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The night was young, the sky a stunning array of reds, oranges and yellows. Clouds grew thick on the horizon, but now, in this very moment, everything was perfect. Everything was quiet. The wind was light, the air just the right temperature. The ground fell away just beyond the small, serene cottage in the woods, the cliff dropping off to perfectly frame the sun's descent. A small porch swing built for two swung gently in the wind, keeping safe the two sat atop its frame. One wrapped around the other, they said no words, just enjoyed the last of the light before the moon began to rule the night. Yellow eyes shifted slowly to admire the angel beside him, a love and affection so strong and warm one would believe the two lovers had known each other for lifetimes, and maybe they had; the two knew everything there was to know about one another. One lived in a world of grey, black, white; the other pushed the monotone away. The other brought colour to the broken man. There were no words to describe the love the two shared, so no words were said. The faintest smell, something sweet like tea and honey was carried on the wind, the faintest tinge of the rain to come underneath the soothing scents. The nature, the dying sun, the perfect silence... it was beautiful, yes, but Danny thought nothing could be as perfect as the one he was sat beside. His lover caught him staring, and Danny couldn't help his smile at their reddening face. He said something then about admiring the view; admiring you, in all of your glory. He hugs you impossibly closer, eyes fluttering shut, breathing in the smell of you, soaking up the feeling of safety, cherishing the sense of calm.

"You're perfect. You know that, right?" the words were whispered, and Danny's eyes opened once more. Now, you were staring at him with affection and love. You were admiring him. He was nothing to be admired; nothing compared to you. A chuckle escapes him, and he places the gentlest kiss on your temple. He doesn't believe you, he never does. Your gaze softens, and you grow somehow more stunning than ever. The golden light makes your eyes glow, and Danny wants to kiss you. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." You beat him to it, and press your lips against his. His hand ghosts your cheek, thumb glossing over you cheekbone. When you pull away, his forehead rests against yours in a moment of intimacy. Vulnerability. His eyes flutter shut once more, his breathing slow and even.

"I love you so much." he speaks at last, with his rough voice reminiscent of california nights, the stars in the sky, the smell of cigarettes. Your heart stutters in your chest. You can't force enough affection into your voice to match the emotions inside of your stomach, fluttering rhythmically to a silent tune of your love. His forehead leaves yours, and he wraps you in his arms once more. With a slow shift, he moves to lie down, bringing you carefully with him. He hides his face in the back of your neck, arms snaking around your torso and taking your hand in his. Each puff of breath that leaves his lips ghosts the back of your neck. His form is warm, enveloping, his aura both soft and rugged at the same time. He is dangerous. He is broken. He is yours, and he is beautiful. Your eyes flutter shut and his do the same, the sun sinking lower, the sky growing darker. The air stays warm, the clouds thicken. You take a deep, smooth breath of the air, and memorize the moment you are gifted with. The night is growing, the sky running blue. Clouds grow thicker on the horizon, but now, in this very moment, everything is perfect. Everything is quiet. The wind picks up, the air growing chill, but you are warm, and so is the love of your life. The ground falls away just beyond the small, serene cottage in your woods, the cliff dropping off to perfectly frame the sun's disappearance. The small porch swing, built for you, built for him, swings gently in the wind. You are safe. He is safe. One wrapped around the other, they say no words. They simply enjoy the last of the light before the moon begins to rule the night.

(A/N): This was just a short drabble I wrote for my Tumblr. I was in a fluff mood. Chamomile tea, Lo-Fi music and the right lighting makes my heart melt for Danny. I think he'd quite enjoy chamomile tea and Lo-Fi. 

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