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"Elizabeth!" A voice whispers to me. Sharp pains radiate throughout my body, but the majority of me is just numb. I realize how cold I am and start to shiver. The same voice calls out my name again, but I cringe this time. They're closer. I want to move to get away from whoever it is, but it hurts to move. I hear someone moan in pain and then realize it's me.

Warm was creeps it's way from my shoulder to my stomach, so it must be blood. I recall everything that just happened, but I'm disrupted when I now here footsteps making their way towards me. "No!" I yell out. I try to scoot away, but it hurts too much. The footsteps get louder, and I start screaming again. "Elizabeth!" The person says once more. "Please." I beg. I don't know if my plea is for them to help me or leave me alone.

My vision is blocked from the sun and I realize the person yelling my name is now standing above me. I cry out again. "It wasn't meant to go this far." The person says, but I don't know if their talking to me or themselves. The person finally steps into my official view, and as I see who I thought to be my savior, I start to scream.

"Get away from me! I hate you! I hate you!" The man tries to shh me, but I ignore him as I continue to yell at him.

His warm hands wrap around my wrists and he pins them to my side.

"Please. Please." I beg once more. "Love, I need you to be quite right now or we will both die." He tells me. I feel that burning in my body start again as anger takes control. This time I feel myself grow stronger. I welcome the fire as it burns its way through my veins. I see Klaus look at me with fear in his eyes, and he slowly backs away from me. Before I can let the fire take over, that bitter darkness comes back. I try to fight away from it, but it takes over my body making everything about me pass out.


This time when I wake up, I see I'm in a bedroom. I hear whisper shouts coming from outside the closed door and I look around me. There's a window. I could make a go for it, but I'm assuming my kidnapper is some kind of supernatural creature with their excellent hearing.

Maybe I could hide in the closet, wait for them to walk in then leave? They'd be to fast and would catch me. I could hide beside the door, wait for it to open, then snap the neck of my monster? That might work. I say go with that plan. As I set myself to stand up, I feel all the pain in my body come to me at once. My shoulder aches and burns, and the rest of me aches as if I just ran three 5K's.

I groan out as the pain engulfs me, and I hear a shh outside of my room. Then the people start talking again. "Do you think she's awake?" A female voice asks. "Who should go in there?" A male voice asks. From what I can hear I think there's two guys and a girl at the door. Why would a group kidnap me? A personal blood bag?

The door opens in a hurry, and I start to yell at the person walking towards me. I see an unfamiliar face; a guy my age with brown hair and brown eyes, standing maybe 6'. He walks towards me with a sad smile. I try to get away from him, but my body cries out in pain in protest. "Please. Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry! Please!" I cry out.

"Elizabeth, darling, I'm not going to hurt you." He whispers to me. I shake my head as tears start to fall. "Please." I beg again. "My name is Kol." He tells me, and that's when I start to scream.

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