Chapter 5

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"Hello?" A male voice came through the phone. 

"Hello, um," I looked at Maddie and she encouraged me to keep going. "Codename Shark tail in trouble?" I said it like a question. There was a brief silence on the other side of the phone.

"I have been waiting for your call. I am on my way where are you?" The guy asked. His voice kinda sound weirdly familiar. 

"We are in Seoul. I was told to call-" 

"I know why you called I'll be there tomorrow night. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He cut me off.

"Um we are fine at the moment just want to know what we should do first." I said.

"If you are okay then what you have to do is just wait for my arrival. Call me if you need anything. I'll see you all soon. Just wait for me at Gimpo Airport around midnight." 

"Okay thank you so much. See you soon." I hung up. We saw Ethan, Nol and Kori coming towards us with grocery bags.  

"You guys went shopping?" Maddie asked excited. 

"Ya we just got essential stuff like pjs, towels, toiletries, subway passes, food and cheap phones that uses time for calls and texts each one has about $50 worth of credit use it wisely it's for us just in case we separate or something." Ethan told us. 

"Alright good job lets go and I'll let you guys know what happened." I said as we made our way to the trains. 


We finally arrived at the B'n'B, it took us sometime to find this place cause Maddie couldn't figure out where it was because of the differences of this time and the time she visited. We knocked on the door of a beautiful town house type house. A short almost my height sweet looking lady opened the door with a bright smile plastered on her plump face. 

"Hello Aunty, we are the guests that called earlier to book your b'n'b guest house." Maddie shared a bright smile as she spoke in Korean to her unsuspecting aunt. 

"Ah ya" The lady smiled at Maddie, talked some more and then she went back in her house for a bit.

"What's going on?" Kori asked Maddie.

"She is just going to get the keys and show us the guest house." We all nodded and waited for Maddie's aunt to come out. She lead us to the guest house and showed us everything and how it worked also let us know her rules, Maddie and Ethan were translating for us. Once she was gone we immediately relaxed. 

"Okay dibs on taking the first shower." Kori shouted while making her way to the bathroom. 

"You better be quick Kori? Im next"Maddie sighed. I looked at her in concern.

Ethan and I were putting stuff away and preparing for dinner while Nol was messing with his phone trying to get the wifi on it. Maddie was sitting outside on her own. 

"Do you think she is disappointed that her aunt didn't recognize her?" Ethan whispered in my ear as we looked at a sulking Maddie through the kitchen window. I looked at him and shrugged.

"Go and talk to her." Ethan pushed me to go. 

"What? why me?" 

"Cause I'm busy cooking. Bitch" he pointed at the stove. I rolled my eyes laughing and made my way outside. 

"Hey girlie." I said as I got closer to where Maddie was sitting. "Mind if I sit?" she shock her head and gestured for me to go ahead and sit. She was smoking which kind of threw me for a bit I was not expecting that. "Are you okay?" She looked at me with a small smile and nodded.

"Hey when we go back in the future you can visit her more cause she would know who you are." I tried to cheer her up.

"Ya I know." She chuckled, "It's kind of weird to see your relative and not be able to hug them cause they don't know who you are. In our case if she finds out it will mess up the future. It's funny how a minor mistake can make a big impact through time." 

"Ya." I started to think about myself in Canada. "I should be about 16 right now in high school just going through some weird phase of my life." We both laughed. 

"Kori should be finished with the shower I'm going to go and clean up I have been waiting for this all day I feel gross." Maddie stood up and turned to me.

"We will bring back the original BTS together I believe in us. Hwaighting." Maddie brought her fists to her chest as she said that. I giggled and nodded. I went back inside to help Ethan with the food. 


 We had finished eating dinner and all of us were clean, in our pjs, Kori just wore a Tee and Nol just had pj pants on which made Maddie drool over him. We sat around the small dinning table.

"Okay so far what do we know is happening with BTS right now in terms of them getting together for training. I think we all know they were trainees for three years before debut." I spoke up.

"Yes since its mid 2011 right now I know RM, Suga and J-hope are trainees; Jungkook should have joined already cause I read he did in the beginning of this year; Jin and V are either being recruited right around this time cause they joined mid 2011 I'm just not sure when. I don't think we need to worry about Jimin cause he doesn't join until mid 2012, do we though?" Maddie asked.

"We should check on him just incase those Zit guys are lurking around him." Kori said and we all nodded. 

"Well its a little easy cause they are all in Seoul. Can you imagine us having to go to different cities just to find them." Nol said and we all nodded in agreement.

"Nol did you find the address for Big hit's building to scope it out tomorrow? I know the guy said to sit tight and not do anything but time is kind of running out. Let's just go make sure that those guys are not staking out on the boys." Kori suggested.

"But if we run into them what should we do." I asked.

"Try not to run into them we are gonna look from a distance. We are not getting too close to the building." I nodded.

We finished our meeting then hung out for a bit chatting and got ready for bed. Kori and Ethan were sharing one room, Maddie and I shared the second one and Nol slept on the couch that turned into a bed in the living room. 

A Shift in the night: BTS X Reader Where stories live. Discover now