Chapter 3

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I got home around one or two even though I don’t remember how I got there. I guess the high didn’t wear off all the way so I really hope I didn’t hurt anyone. I probably shouldn’t have drove home, oh well nothing I can do about it now. I walked into my room stripped my dress off and crawled into bed. I should have been surprised when there was already a warm naked body there but I wasn’t. I snuggled up against the body and slept.

I woke up with a piercing headache. It felt like there was a mac truck driving around in my brain. I could barely remember anything from last night. A hand touched my arm and I almost screamed. I looked over and to my surprise it was Derek. Derek and I had an odd relationship to say the least. We weren’t really together but we weren’t apart either. We weren’t in love or anything but we couldn’t get enough of each other.

“Babyyyy… come back to bed.” He mumbled as he was pulling on my arm.

I laid back down in his arms content the feeling of being in his arms. I started to relax and fall asleep again when my phone started buzzing. After a while it stopped then started up again. I ignored it as long as I could then reluctantly answered it.

“Hello?” I grumbled into the phone.

“Claireeee? *sniffle*” said the voice on the other line.

“Umm… Allison?”

“Claireee I neeed youuuu!” she whined.

“Allison what’s wrong?” I said in a concerned tone.

“Claire, I need to come over. I’m coming over right now, okay. Okay. I’ll be right there.” She said.

“Allison what is going on?” I asked but she had already hung up.

I sat up in bed now completely concerned. Derek picked up on that because he sat up also. He gave me a what’s going on look but I honestly had no idea. I was really worried now. The one thing I did know was that Derek should leave but I guess he had a different idea. I turned to tell him he had to leave and next thing I know I’m on top of him and since we were both naked nothing was going to imagination. In a second there was no going back.

We were kissing and grabbing and nibbling at each other’s lips and getting lost in each other. Now you can see why I keep him around. He sends my senses on fire. He pushed me down and got on top of me and not even hesitating before plunging into me. I screamed out in shock but that scream soon turned into a moan of pleasure as he pumped in and out. I looked down to where he entered me and smiled. That image was the sexiest thing in the world to me. I looked into his face and yet again smiled because he has this cute sexy look on his face when he has sex. He fluctuated between supper fast and intimately slow, he likes to tease me. The ecstasy between us was building immensely. Nothing else was there, it was just us. That seems to be a common thing during sex. Then the magic happen, we were brought to our breaking point at the same time. Each moan we sang out together and we were convulsing uncontrollably but not once did he stop until we were both done.

He rolled off of me and pulled me close, kissing my forehead. We laid there holding each other for a few minutes then he really had to leave.

“Baby, come on you need to go now. Allison needs me.” I said.

“Sometimes I think you love her more than me.” As he was getting up to put on his pants. I got a flash of his bare ass and I laughed, god he has a cute ass. He looked over his shoulder and said, “See something you like?”

“Yes I do.” I said smiling up at him. He smiled back at me a devilishly seductive smile. “Come on get out of here.”

“Fine, fine I’ll go but I will be back.” He said as he walked out my door.

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