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"GON WAKE UP!!!" Gon jolted awake at the sound of Killua voice. He look around confusedly. "W-What the?What happened?" The green haired teen questioned. "I don't know but we need to leave now!" That's when Gon finally noticed the fire. "What th-?" Killua help him stand up "LET ME GO DAMN IT!!!" They both gasp and turn around their stood a big green slimy looking monster. They also saw some spiky blonde haired teen trapped inside the monster.

"HEY KIDS WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING? GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!" Gon and Killua turn towards the voice and saw a some type of block head guy.There was people behind the police tape recording and watching the fight. Gritting his teeth Gon ran at the villain at full speed "Hey let him go!" Gon tried to punch the villian but his fists sank right into his skin. Gasping at the feeling Gon tried to freed his hand but the more he struggled the more he was sinking inside.

"Oh what's this?That's quite a punch kid!HAHA I really hit the jackpot with a quirk like these two" The villain growled as he started to expand destroying everything around him.

"Gon!" But before Killua could run something green flashed right past him "KACCHAN!!!" The boy ran straight up to the villian with tears in his eyes,he threw what look like his back pack straight at the villian eye which he cried out in pain. The boy then started to dig the slime away,Killua snapped out of his daze and went and help the boy. The teen gasp as he saw Killua "What the hell?!Why are you here Deku?!?!" The blonde snapped "I-I don't know my body just moved on it's own!" Killua sharpened his hand and cut through the slimy skin he grabbed Gon's hand and pulled with all his might.

"Argh K-Killua!" Gon gasp out as he finally breathe again "Don't worry Gon,I got you!" But before Killua could pull Gon out all the way the villain roared and use one of it's arms to try and grab the boy who ran in. The boy froze in fear as the hand grew closer,but before Killua could move him out the way he felt a presence. The next thing you know it Killua was pulled away and there was a big boom sound,the ex-assassin closed his eyes "I really am pathetic!" Killua heard a male voice said slowly opening his eyes Killua eyes widen at the sight.

"A-All M-Might!!!" Killua heard the boy next to him spoke 'All MIght?' Killua questioned "Pro heros are always risking their lives that's the true way of a hero!!!!" All Might then grabbed Gon and 'Kacchan'. "DETROIT SMASH!!!!" He drew his hand back, and threw it forward with all his might. He started to pant heavily,as the wind picked up. Killua held onto Gon's waist tightly as to not be blown away,'Ahh s-so strong!!' Killua thought after a few more minutes the wind died down.

Very slowly the people open their eyes, with shock faces. No sound came from nobody,everyone was silent. Then dark clouds moved in front of the sun blocking it's light,there was a slight rumble before it started pouring down rain. "It's raining." One of the people said and that seemed to snapped everybody out of their trance,"Don't tell me all that rain came from one punch?" Another questioned.

Feeling the rain Gon open his eyes and was met by a pair of crystal blue eyes. Killua breathe hitched as he saw how close their faces were,"Gon..." The silver haired boy mumbled. Gon gave Killua a smile that made him blush a little. "Hey are you two alright?" Both teens look away "Y-Yeah we're fine, thanks to him." Gon pointed to the bulky man who put a thumbs up,the crowd went wild as they started cheering for him. Soon the hero's collected the rest of the scattered sludge,and the villian went to the police.

"You just love trouble don't you Gon?" Killua sigh tiredly as they stood off to the side "Haha well....it just follow me everywhere I guess!" Gon chuckled. "You moran!!Do you have a death wish or something?Running out there like that you could've been killed.Let the pro hero's handle the situation and don't ever do that again." A guy who was covered with what look like tree bark scolded. The crowd murmured and glared at the boy.

"You was very brave back there.Good job at keeping calm." A block head guy compliment the ash blond hair guy. Feeling sorry for the poor boy Killua got up with his hand in his pockets and walked up to them with Gon following him. "Killua?" Gon ask "Hey you!" the tree branch guy turn around surprise "Huh?! Oh it's you two." He said narrowing his eyes Killua pointed at the teen "He risk his life to try to save that kid over there while you and the other 'so called heros' didn't." Killua spoke surprised the boy look at Killua with tears in his eyes.

"And I didn't see you try to save my friend over here." The silver haired boy pointed to Gon "None of our quirks were made to stop that guy.We needed someone else quirk who was powerful enough like All Might." The tree branch guy stated "Huh?What's a quirk?" Gon ask tilting his head the hero raised an eyebrow.

*Time Skip (Cause I got lazy)

After the whole incident Gon and Killua found out that the curly messy green haired teen name was Midoriya. He told them that they was in the city of Mustafa and the phones they had was unusable,plus their hunter license is useless since they don't have the website. After finding that out Killua concluded that they was not in their world.

Deciding to do research and explore this new place,Gon did most of the exploring while killua did all the researching. Having read up on basic things such as laws and the pillars of society,Killua concluded there were three important aspects of this society. These were villains like the sludge guy,heros like All Might,and quirks,like what the hero's was talking about not having power quirks. Villains broke the law,Hero's were people who stopped the villains but they had to be professionally licensed or else its illegal.Quirks were special powers that many individuals had,which explained a lot of weird appearances most people had.

Finally after hours of exploring and researching Gon and Killua walked down the sidewalk.Wondering where to go now,the sun was setting and the two boys was drained. "Ughh my brain hurts." Gon whined as steam came out of his ears Killua laugh and pointed at his ears. "I think you mean brain dead." He teased pouting Gon stuck his nose up "Well sorry if my brain can't handle all this information."

"I can agree with you though." Killua sigh after a while. "Its getting dark and don't know where to go...come on..let's walk around. Hopefully, a pedestrian might pick us up."

"Okay." Gon nodded and the two search off for an adventure. The pretty colors of orange and red set in the sky as Gon and Killua found themselves in a neighborhood. There was a long sidewalk and Gon's stomach rumbled loudly.

He only sigh and ignored his body needs and continue to walk along side Killua, his best friend.

They continued to walk down the sidewalk until the two say a familiar green hair walking down the same sidewalk.

Killua's eyes widened and a small was present on his face. "Oi!" He shouted, catching Gon out his trance. "Oi! Izuku!"

Izuku turned around and saw Killua and Gon waving at him.

Izuku smiled and ran over to them. "Oh hey guys!"

He stood in front of the boys with a happy smile. "I didn't think I run into you boys again."

Killua smirk. "Well we were in the neighborhood so we begin to look around until we saw you."

"Oh right." Izuku smiled. "Anyways, what are you guys names? I mean...if you don't want to tell me that's okay..."

Gon smiled and held out his hand. "My name is Gon and this is Killua! Nice to meet you!"

Izuku's eyes widened a bit and he nodded, cheeks turning a pink color. "Nice to meet you, Gon and Killua." He shook Gon's hand. "So what are you guys quirks? Do you have any?"

"Quirks huh?" Killua said and look at Gon who shrug. "We do."

"Oh...can you show it to me then? I mean! Only if you want to!" Izuku said with a frightened expression.

"Well sure, but...can we go to your house?"

"Hmm? Why?" Izuku ask.

Killua's eyes widened a bit. "Um..our parents...aren't home right now. Its kinda lonely there. We don't get out much anyways and you're our real friend."

"Friend?" Izuku questioned with a happy expression. "Um sure! F-Follow me."

Killua smirk. "Bingo..."


My Hero Hunter (Hunter x Hunter/Bnha crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now