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But then, a huge smash sound was heard and everyone stopped at what they were doing. All Might walked in but instead of smiling he was frowning. "It's fine now! I am here!" Everybody stopped what they were doing,Shigaraki hands were just inches away from Killua's and Izuku's face. It was silent for a few minutes until the class cried out in relief.

"ALL MIGHT!!" They screamed out. The no.1 hero took that time to look at the damaged he scanned the area until he saw Izuku,Gon and Killua covered in bruises. He felt his blood boil at the sight of his students hurt,he ripped his tie off and walked forward. Using this as a distraction Killua quickly sharpen his nails (without anyone noticing) and slashed at Shigaraki arm causing him to shirek and fall back.

 Killua ignored the pain in his legs and quickly got up. He helped Gon up and grabbed Izuku hands and jumped back putting as much distance as he could between them."YOu sTuPid brat that hurt!" Shigaraki shouted angrily. "Be glad it wasn't your head!" Killua darkly said, as he got into a fighting stance. He grunts a bit as his leg stung a bit. But he was fine. He had worse pain than this.  He looks over and smirks a bit All Might who had use his super speed to get Izuku, Gon, Aizawa, Asui, and Mineta out of harm's way. He left Killua last and as soon as he was about to get Killua, Shigaraki had grab Killua's dislocated leg and squeezed tight, earning a shock yell from him. Damn it! He wasn't paying attention to Shigaraki. Damn it! 

He feels a hot shearing pain come across his leg as his skin begin breaking away into nothing. Though, he sharpened his hand again and slashed down at Shigaraki's hand, cutting it just enough to make him cry out in shock and pain. 

Quickly, Killua took a step back and wince. "Damn you!" He then runs to Izuku who had Aizawa in his arms with Asui's help. Gon was standing up but was still holding his chest. 

"Killua! Are you okay?" Gon ask and Killua nods.

"I'm fine." 

Gon looks at his leg.

"Your leg, man!" Mineta shouts. "How are you still standing! Its all purple-looking and...your bone is sticking out!" 

"That looks really bad!" Asui comments.

"You shouldn't be standing right now then!" Izuku says. "Hey, let me carry-"

"I said I'm fine!" Killua snaps. His eyes darkened a bit and Izuku whimpers a bit. "G-Gomen...Killua...I'm just worried about you..."

"Worry about him later, Young Midoriya!" All Might says, interrupting their conversation. "You kids need to get out of here immediately! Aizawa won't make it!" 

"But All Might." Gon says stepping up. "Shigaraki is really strong alone and that Nomu guy really powerful." He begins coughing up blood and Killua's eyes widened.

"GON!" He runs to his friend's side and wrap a arm around his shoulder. "Let's go." Killua states.

"But All Might-" Izuku tries to say but All Might does a peace sign and smiles.


"....." Izuku stares at the pro hero with worry eyes before nodding, trusting the hero. He walks towards everyone who was by the door with Asui, Mineta, and Killua doing the same.

"Hang on Gon..." Killua says with a grunt as he was walking up the stairs. "Just hold on." 

"Killua..." Gon whispers weakly. "I think...he broke my ribs....my chest really hurts and my heart is pounding..." 

"Stop talking...please..." Killua whispers. He smiles softly before putting up a determine glare. "You'll hurt yourself more..." 

Gon smirks. "Like...you're one to talk." He looks down at Killua's broken leg. "You look horrible." 

Killua chuckles a bit. "And you look like someone took a major shit on you." 

"Haha!" Gon laughs but more blood coughed out his mouth. 


The two made it up to stairs with the rest of their classmates and everyone was shock at how bad Killua and Gon look. 

"You guys look horrible!" Mina yells in shock. 

"How are you even standing, Killua-kun?" Iida ask. "With your leg like that, you won't heal properly!" He waves his arm around in shock and Killua rolls his eyes. 

"Yeah yeah whatever. I can barely feel the pain." Killua states and everyone gasp in shock. 

"Oh man, just looking at the bone sticking out of your leg is making me sick!" Mineta groans as he covers his mouth. 

Everyone crowd around Killua who was growling. He holds Gon close and he was about to snap when Izuku suddenly stepped in between. 

"You guys, Killua and Gon needs their space. Killua just have a high pain tolerance and Gon is close to unconsciounes. Please." His green eyes showed gratitude and kindness as everyone took a step back. "WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO THAT DUMB DEKU?!" Bakugou shouts and Killua sighs, not saying anything. He didn't feel like arguing with that angry blonde. 

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku says. "Really, just leave them alone right now." 

"Yeah Bakugou, just leave it." Kirishima says and Bakugou looks at him, eyes widened a bit. He then growls and gave a death stare to Killua who returns the glare. Soon, everyone turn their attention to the fight. All Might vs Nomu. 

Killua stood there, eyes glistening as he watch the fight, wishing he could help All Might. He knew he would drop everything to help his new father figure but he knew this wasn't his fight. Killua didn't stand a chance against that thing and neither did Gon. They were far too weak. They needed more training in their strength and Gon needs training on his power move. It was powerful, yes, but Killua figures with more training, he'll be just as powerful as All Might. 

Killua didn't notice Izuku calling his name. He turn his head towards Izuku who was rubbing his neck and smiling softly with a blush. 

"I was just asking will you be alright. And be honest." 

"Oh." Killua smiles a bit and nodding his head. "Yeah, I'll be fine, for real. I was just thinking about how you stood up to Baku-bitch." 

"Oh!" Izuku snorts and blushes more. 

"I'm serious." Killua nods his head. "Good job, Izuku-kun." He smirks as Izuku chuckles softly but, suddenly, there was a huge exploding sound. 

Killua's and Izuki's head jerked towards the explosion to see Nomu and All Might fighting to the max. 

"Oh! All Might!" Izuku clutches his hands tight as he stares at the fight.

Killua stares as well and tightened his grip on Gon who was now unconscious. 

"You better All Might..." He mumbles. "You better....."


 ~ Yahoo!~ Reader-chan!

I finally managed to update....It's been weeks....since I last updated and honestly I couldn't find the time too. I haven't abandoned this story so don't worry, I have big plans for this story and I'm excited to finally get the chance to publish more chapters. But,online classes is kicking my ass right now,they are a pain in the ass  -_- but yeah.... Gomen for leaving you all like this. 

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