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The trio made it to the orientation and now they are waiting for it to start. "Ooh I'm so excited!" Gon bounced in his seat. Then one by one the lights on the stage cut on stopping everybody from talking. 

"Welcome to my show today,everybody say HEY!!!" Present Mic screamed out.

"HEY!!!" Gon stood up and shouted.Everybody gave him dirty looks to which Gon felt embarrassed seeing he was the only one who said something. Present Mic grinned widely "That's what I'm talking about!" He pointed in Gon's direction.

Killua patted Gon on the shoulder as he sat back down. "It's okay Gon,they all just stupid." A few people turn to Killua and gave him a dirty look also to which he stuck out his tongue. 

"Now then I'll quickly present to you the run down on the practical exam." Present Mic started. Killua leaned his head back and tuned him out. 'Man I'm bored!I hope I get to fight soon then maybe I could fight that Kacchan guy'  

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a fairly tall and muscular guy,who has short dark blue hair and square like glasses.He stood up and he was completely stiff, he held up a piece of paper that Killua didn't know they had. He was asking a question it seemed like  "Oi Izu what are we doing?" He whispered "Uhh?Oh Killua you wasn't listening?" He ask.

Killua shrugged his shoulders "Nah,but what's that?Are we fighting robots?" He ask izuku nodded and started explain what Present Mic said. Killua nodded after he was done "Aww man I wanted to fight people." Killua was a little disappointed. 

"In addition you over there with the curly hair,you've been muttering and talking this whole time.It's distracting." He glared at Izuku who put his over his mouth. He then pointed to Killua "And you was also talking to him,it's distracting.We didn't come here to play around,so if you two are not serious about this then leave." The blue haired boy chopped his hand up and down.

Killua raised an eyebrow "Who made you the leader?" Gon gasp and covered Killua's mouth "Ah I'm sorry about them! Please forgive us." Gon bowed down to which the blue haired boy straighten his glasses. "Okay,Okay examinee 7111,thanks for the great message." Present Mic nervously chuckled.

Blue haired kid bowed and sat back down along with Gon. Killua scoffed "I'm really attempting if I should kill these people." He mumbled angrily as he stared at the blue haired kid Gon rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Yeah but you can't."  That comment made Killua huff then he went back to listening to present Mic.

 *Entrance Exam Battle Center B*

Killua and Izuku stood next to each other as they waited for the exam to begin "Man I was hoping Gon would be in the same center as us." Killua sigh out. Izuku nervously looked around "How can everybody be so confident?Aren't they nervous?" Izuku questioned Killua look at the sky with a bored expression.

"They're probably full of them selves.But don't worry you got this." Killua gave Izuku a small smile. "Oh look!There's that girl who saved me and Gon from falling earlier!" Izuku pointed at the girl. She has shoulder length brown hair,large round eyes and a perpetual blush on her cheeks.

Killua look and nodded "Oh yeah,I didn't know she was put in the same battle field as us." He said. "I should thank her!" Then Izuku nervously made his way towards her. Then the same guy from earlier stopped Izuku "That girl appears to be trying to focus.What are you doing here?Are you taking the entrance exam to interfere with everyone else?" The blue haired boy accused.

Izuku started to shake as he tried to explain himself. 

"That guys the one who was about to trip in front of the school gates right?" Somebody ask.Another nodded "Yeah at least that's one rival to not worry about." They then snickered and Izuku look down thinking back to middle school.

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