Chapter 1

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Each and every person at one time believes in fairy-tales that's the prince charming, jewels, crowns and more. People believe in this because it means that you'll have a happy ever after all the bad things are over and done with. I believe in it all my life and i still do till this day as a Junior in high school.

I believe everyone deserves a happy ever after of their own and in their own way. I know and believe i'll have my fair share of that whirlwind romance and happy ever after someday.

But it's sooner than i think.

Its now the rainy season early October and late September but little did i know that I wont have to worry about the weather anymore. "Will this gloomy weather get any better? It just makes the place feel so depressing!" My best friend Kate scuffed at the rain pouring outside. "I have no idea...." My other friend Serene stated as we stare outside our classroom window. It the beginning of lunch and i'm starving. We're waiting for lunch ladies to switch out the trays for fresh food.

"We wont be able to catch that movie tonight if it continues to rain like this."

"But we already went through all this planning and trouble to go out tonight," Kate exclaimed.

"It's just Friday so we still have tomorrow, right?" I said trying to cheer everyone up. After the movie we were planning to go hang out with some friends.

It looks like all our plans are been washed away buy the raging storm outside. "If it's a drizzle we can still go, Right?" Kate said looking at Crystal and I hopefully.

"Kate, drizzle? drizzle really? Does this storm look like its going to end any time soon? We would be lucky if it stops for the next couple of days." Crystal says.

"So your a meteorologist now?" Kate replied seriously, placing her hands on her hips.

"Guys come on if we cant go out we can just have a slumber party or quit arguing."

"Miss Dukette, Miss Shepherd and Miss Grant, your holding up the line other people want to get as well." Mr Carter's rough voice boomed in the cafeteria. We then silently go through the line putting different items of food on our trays then cashing our lunches.

We then hurriedly went to our usual seats at the back of the cafeteria where we can see everything that's going on. Chatting away with Kate and Crystal i felt a pair of eyes staring at me, looking up i see Mr Hewitt standing in front of the cafeteria looking right at him. And coming up next to him was one person that i least expect to see in my school let another this country.

"Good Afternoon Everyone!" She said to the entire room.

"Miss Dukette, could you accompany us to my office please and bring your things with you. " she continued.

I hurriedly gathered my things together, saying "guys i'll talk to later and tell whats up...OK, see you." Walking briskly towards them i stared to ask "What is going-?" I didn't get to finish when Mr Crowley spoke in his usual soft soothing voice "Miss all will be explained to you soon, so if you please follow us to Mr Hewitt's office." He then proceeded to wave his hand towards the cafeteria exit with a gallant low bow. He is so old, i wonder how he can do that so gracefully at his age.

In addition to that wasn't he informed that he shouldn't do that here....Gosh.

Walking past Crowley i gave him a warning look to stop that this instant. Nervously at peaked at Kate and Crystal and they are just opening gaping at him.

"Sigh..lets go"
"What's wrong? Did something happen at home?"

"Everything is OK Miss.....Your parents are waiting for your in Mr Hewitt's office," He replied giving me a little relief. Striding next to me, we slowly made our way out the door.

"Patrick cut the crap are my parents OK? Is everyone in Jaldovia Ok? Tell me right now what the hell are you doing here?" I stated to him when we are a little out of reach of the people in the cafeteria.

"That will be explained when were in the confinement of the office." He replied.

"Why cant you tell me?" I asked again but he completely ignored my question and asked "would you like me to carry your things for you, Lady Katherine?"

"I can carry my bag but thanks for asking" i sighed. "And a tip quit your bowing mannerisms here and don't call me Lady Katherine here either." I warned.

We then walked silently down the empty corridor, all the way to the Principals office. "I'll wait here Lady-" he stopped himself, "I mean Miss Dukette and a word of caution what ever you do don't stop breathing o.k."

"Okayyyy, ill keep that in mind." I smiled at him and began entering the office. As i step in he whispered "one more thing don't throw any tantrums because it wont help." With that he pushed me inside and announced "Lady Katherine is here."

Mr Hewitt followed me inside and sitting next to his desk are both my fake and birth parents. So basically there are a lot of us in this small principal's office.

My mother Lady Mary Edinburgh, the Duchess of Lindum - she's one of angelic beauty and i'm not saying that because she is my mom. I got her caramel eyes and jet black hair, but apart from that, i got everything else from my dad - Lord Patrick Edinburg. People always say that i'm as beautiful as my mom but i doubt it.

I think i'm a plain jane but that's OK i don't mind. "Hi, mom, what's going on" i asked, as the door closes and Crowley bows.

All i can think to myself is he is so dead....."didn't i tell him not do that again" i shake my head and whispered to myself.

"Crowley said you have something to tell me"

My mother then turned to Mr Hewitt and asked " can we have the room for a couple minutes please"

"Sure" he smiled and left.

"Thank you" she said as she went.

As the door closed i went directly to my mother and gave a tight hug which she responded with a hug of her own and multiple kisses all around my face.

Pulling away i asked " so guys, why the sudden visit? Hmmm, what brings you here?"

"Sweetie I know that this is sudden but it was rather urgent, so we had to come see you right away" mom said gently.


"Yes Kathy darling i would have wished we could have spoken in more private and pleasant place but unfortunately this could not wait"

"Mom just tell me what is going on" i asked as i looked at everyone in the room. Could they have told my parents about my joy rides and parties I've been going to? Mom is looking real serious, so this most be something life changing that's making her behave this way.

One this i know it most be real urgent to have mom fly all the way from Jaldovia to Washington D.C. Suddenly scared i asked "Is it dad?"

"Oh nothing like that sweetie."

"Then go on tell me" The atmosphere in the room goes so tense that i suddenly knew what they are here but i had to ask "you're talking me home aren't you?" And even though i felt it to my core that is what they were going to tell me but i still crossed my fingers in hope that my gut feeling is wrong.

"Yes you are-" "Bu-" as i started to interrupt her, she put her hand in the air for me so but quiet and finished" your are accompanying us back home but don't worry you wont be gone long about 3 months the longest then you can return."

"But mom-" i protested,"what about all the lessons i'll miss? If i miss too many classes i wont be able to graduate."

"Oh please don't be so over dramatic Kathy" mom said rolling her eyes.

I sighed "what is so important in Jaldovia that i have to miss so much of school?" That seems to hit a sore spot as everyone broke eye contact and it got so silent I swear I hear crickets in the background.

Looking at Jose real hard she just turned away from me and started fixing her already in place outfit. Then just like a bomb that just went off, mom blurted out so fast "You getting married" that it was so hard to catch what she said.

It was like slow motion, everything went still as her words slowing began to register to me. When it finally registered all i could do was yell "What?!"

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