Part 2 Chapter 11: After Bail, Bad Apple is Back Baby!!

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Apple's Pov)

It had been a week and we were ready to leave. Hearing the unlock latch of the cell ring in my ears made a smile crack on my face.

Charisse ran up to me hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. We greeted the clan way and laughed as we left the fucking place.

We stopped at a shop that was inside a tunnel on the way to the surface I smirked. I guess I wasn't going on be joining with that Black Hand Freak to get the others.

Inside I had bought myself a simple outfit. I wore a black hoodie black jeans and black guard boots. I smiled at the cashier who had given me a shocked and nervous glance.

"My knife and hat please." I ordered politely. The cashier nodded turning and entering a room filled with large safes.

After returning he smiled and handed me a small plastic bag. I nodded opening it on the counter and strapping on my holster.

I pulled my hat over my ears and smiled at Charisse who had gotten her knife and bandana. As Charisse had bought a crap ton of junk food I looked down at the note once more.


~Only when the dark light hits the corn will it turn to gold~

I glared at the address. I didn't have time for fucking riddles. I'm sure that Mistress bitch did it just to fuck with me. Charisse laughed at my expression as I stuffed the paper in my pocket. I grabbed a package of grinch-pockets. Which to humans were large green and grassy lumps filled with black sugar and orange cream.

It was a delicious snack and stated a lot like hostess snowballs. I bit into the lump smiling. I remember when dad had gotten me one for my 4th birthday.

He had just returned from the nether realm. He was paying an old friend some taxes. He had promised me some Grinch-Pockets.

As me and Charisse finally opened the door out eyes closed tightly. It was so bright. I groaned shielding my eyes from as much light as I could so I could adjust.

Charisse let out a whimper of pain.
Her hands over her eyes protecting them from the sun.

After a couple of slow blinks I smiled at the area. "Shit it's bright." Charisse hissed.My smile
broadened as I saw the large forest. I wanted I shift but they glamour of shifting had been removed and I didn't feel like tearing my clothes.

I looked to Charisse who was also smiling at the massive pine. Walking under the trees you could hear the massive groaning of the trees swaying.

I put a hand to the sap that oozed down the trunk. Putting it to my lips I smiled. Charisse was sniffing everything. "Alright come on loser lets go." I laughed helping my comrade up off the ground.

"We have somewhere to be." I sighed. "Are you really sure about listening to that Succubus?" Charisse asked me raising an eyebrow. I pushed the last piece of the Grinch-Pocket into mouth.

"Mine as well listen,she wasn't lying about bailing us,and I'm sure that where ever this-" I held up the folded card. "-is. I'm sure that its legit,we just need to go there and we'll see everyone again." I smiled fondly of seeing the pack again.

Charisse sighed running a hand through her hair. "I hope this isn't just a hunch." She muttered. I didn't pay much attention to what she said as we walked through the forest....

It had been two days since we've been walking. I looked at the small watch I had taken from Charisse's bag. It was 11:15 PM. "Well we've been walking in the same direction for about two days,and the time is near what it's supposed to be." I grumble.

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