his smile.

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madilynn's p.o.v

i waited in the concert venue patiently. it was a cute little bar, the atmosphere of it was all so welcoming. i held a piece of framed artwork against my chest, compliments flying at me and the drawing. i drew ryan, no surprise. it felt off there for a minute or two. my mom would've loved this, loved to see him in person. it's odd being alone in this crowd. then, i felt a welcome.

"oh my god! i love your drawing!" a voice exclaimed.

that voice. that sweet, damn voice.

i couldn't help but perk up, grow happier at the sight. he. was. so. handsome. "thank you so much! i worked nearly 2 weeks on it!" i then rambled, i went on about how their music inspired me, how my mom loved their music, then explained why my mom wasn't here. you see, my mother passed away a year ago at this time, but it felt so natural to tell him everything, tell him those things you'd rather keep secret. i caught myself in my rant and then apologized but he didn't seem to mind..rather happy that i told him, happy i was comfortable. "i like your tøp shirt" i said with a soft smile.

"oh, thank you!" the stranger said, that smile appearing across his lips. "i'll help you get your drawing to ryan" he gave a nudge and i couldn't help but get excited.

we're singing and dancing with z and ryan, its all so magical. time flies was playing, a true favorite of mine. i held my art up with pride, ryan pointed to it occasionally with a bright smile.
then anxiety struck shortly after.
"put the damn drawing down i can't see"
fuck. i didn't mean to ruin this. i wanted to have him happy and give him the art. please don't cry. don't cry don't-
i'm crying.
i'm shaking. anxiety has entered the chat.

"do you want to come up here with me?"

his voice is back, i missed him.

"y-yes please" i smile still crying, practically begging. i'm soon yanked up to the stage with him, holding his hand. don't let go. i love this. he, being considerate let go but soon it happened.

"ryan!" he caught his attention towards the end of the song.

george ryan ross the lll approaches me with his bright smile and honey pools, he carefully gets the artwork and i hear a faint 'don't cry'
holy shit. that just happened.
i immediately turned around and collapsed into a hug against him. against the stranger. he hugs me back, so tightly, his hand on the back of my head. i'm sobbing. i let go so it's not so awkward but my arm laid across his shoulders.

"i'm grace"

"my name is madilynn, you can call me maddie" i say in relief.
grace, huh? the name was gorgeous.

the whole gang interacted with grace and i. it was amazing. ryan said 'i love you too' back to me. z and us had a good laugh. dan was dripping sweat and tears on us (not a good smell either lol). the way we just admired nick hinman (what a babe).grace and i definitely had something. the way we swayed and constantly looked at eachother, i loved him, then and there. i knew it.

the show soon ended, we all had a blast.

"do you have snap?" grace says in a somewhat excited tone.

"yes!" i reply and handed him my phone. he could've run off with it and i would've thanked him. jesus i fell so quickly.

we added eachother and soon i had to leave after meeting the gang. it was sad to leave him. i didn't get to kiss him or nothing. i know that's not something to do with a stranger but it felt so right.

the car ride home was a mess. i'm crying as i'm driving. i'm on the phone with my dad babbling about how close i was to ryan because of a stranger i met, the love of my life. grace. he laughed not thinking much of it.

now he hears his name daily.
when i got home, i opened my phone to see messages from grace. already? damn, i'm falling, i love you come back.

"you're on my fyp on tiktok!" along with a screenshot

jeez- he saw me just obsessing over ryan- but i don't regret it.

"oh my god! lol i'm so sorry i'm a cringey emo" i was in all honesty. my ex ruined my music taste for that, but i couldn't give a fuck, i had grace. that's all i needed.

through conversation i asked "what's your pronouns?" i wanted to be respective! i support everyone around me, especially him.

"oh! well.. if we're being honest i go by he/him pronouns"

i love you, i support you, your valid.

"is there another name you'd like? more comfortable with?"

"do you know the vampire diaries?"

holy shit yes oml date me "YES OMG"


damon. his name is damon. the name suits him so well. handsome. charming. intimate something like that. it was perfect.

i loved him.

i still love him. i always will.

i knew then and there i was loyal and dedicated to him. he was a sweetheart. he had the compassion to love and care for me that night when he could've ignored me, he acknowledged me. it was so new so beautiful. i love him. i don't want to lose him.

little did i know that there was so much ahead. so many laughs and cries and admiration.

a month later.

i'd pop the question.

//hey guys! maddie here 😤💕 i hope all of you guys are enjoying both sides of our little love story i- we are currently facetiming as we do this so- CHEESE. i just want to say i love him so much i- jhansi so happy a crappy lil bar venue got us here.
stay safe!

word count: 1007 words

"nothing matters but you"//a true, love storyWhere stories live. Discover now