an answer.

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damon's p.o.v

    a month. i had known that angel from the concert for a month know. may i add it had been the best month of my life. no one had ever made me happier than madilynn. i had been struggling mentally for god knows how long and she just brought so much light into my life. she was always there to pick me back up. anytime she needed me i would be right there for her as she would be for me. being a source of happiness for each other was my absolute favorite thing about us. 

   we would be on facetime for hours with each other just laughing. over that short period of time i had learned that we have so much in common. we would constantly fangirl over ryan ross, and all of our favorite bands. we always would talk about whatever came to mind and i enjoyed every second with her. i hated not seeing her, but that didn't effect the way i felt about her at all. i loved her so much. nothing could compare to how in love with her i was. i just wanted to be able to show her. 

   i desperately wanted to be with her. theres no way to describe how perfect she is. i was so in love with her there was nothing that could stop me from loving her. absolutely nothing.  i had felt as if i didnt deserve her though so i kept it to myself. there was no way she could want me. no possible way at all.  

  then it happened. she proved me wrong. big time.

   "sweetheart, these past few days have been the best and i owe it all to you. you're my everything i love being there and supporting you. i love you dear more than you realize. i want to be yours in order to be here until our dying days. i promise to love and take care of you through thick and thin all because i love you, that will never change. damon i like you like- like like you." she texted me. i swore a thousand times that it wasn't real. there was no way that an angel like her could like someone as broken and troubled as me. but then i remember who i was talking to. this was maddie. this was the girl i loved. this was the girl that made me extremely happy. 

  "i like you too. so much you don't understand. you've been here with me through so much. i love you so much angel, i always will." i replied. i was so shocked. i was hers now. i couldn't believe it. without her i honestly don't know where i would be right now. 

   never will i ever regret saying yes to madilynn. she has brought so much color to my grey life. shes constantly encouraging me. always supporting me through everything i do. she never gives up on me. shes just so perfect. we are always talking to each other, making each other laugh and theres never a dull moment with us. whether we are having a serious conversation, going on about how much we miss each other, or simply jamming to music together, its always perfect. 

   shes my sun, shes the colors, shes my baby, shes my angel, shes my love.

   shes my w o r l d.

   i love you. forever.


wassup!! i enjoyed writing our story. once again on facetime, like i said... its absolutely perfect. i hope you enjoyed. maddie will explain what the next few chapters will be like. 

word count: 567 (before authors note)

much love <3 ~ damon 

&quot;nothing matters but you&quot;//a true, love storyWhere stories live. Discover now