The evil within

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As I looked out on the ice i saw Chelsea one of the best and meanest skaters around. My coach said if I ever want to beat her I need a lot more practice. But that's not the truth I could beat her if I wanted-

Jessica my friend called which interrupted my thoughts.

Yes what do you need!?

Have you suddenly turned insane!? You know you can't beat Chelsea!

Wait what how do you know I was saying that!?

Umm because you were thinking out loud. Again!

Oh yea I forgot about that one. I have a tendency to think out loud. A lot and when I say a lot I mean A LOTTTT!
Like almost all the time. See that's my problem people think I'm weird for doing that. Like this one time in sixth grade I told my crush I liked him by basically just thinking about it. Oh yea also my face is basically a mood ring. Now I know what your thinking what the heck!? A mood ring!? But it's true now it may not turn blue and pink and all those colors but it does turn red when I'm around someone I like. Anyway let's go back to reality and out of my head.

Ugh not again!! Do you think Chelsea heard me!?

Oh you better hope not!! Cuz who knows what she'll do if she heard you say tha-

Oh Chelsea hears everything!!

Sorry Chelsea I don't mea-

Save it I don't want to hear the garbage you have to say!! So you think you can beat me huh!?

No I was jus-

Well lets see if you can beat me right now lets go!!

No I think ill sta- but I was cut off as her two groupies pulled me on the ice.

Ice dance off right now lets see your best moves dork said Chelsea very meanly like usual.

We'll start with some jumping spins and my friends can judge who's better.

Hey that's not fair you know they'll only vote for you!!

Fine dork number two can vote as well.

Omg I hate how Chelsea calls me and Aubrey dork and dork number two!!
Oh yea that's right you guys don't know who Aubrey is yet. Haha silly me always forgetting things. Aubrey is my dear friend I can always be myself around her and tell her anything cause she never judges me and always keeps my secrets. Okay so now that you know that let's get out of my head.

Hey I have a name you know Aubrey said with a fierce tone.

Yea and she doesn't care to learn it so just shut up said one of Chelsea's groupies Ricky.

Ricky is so mean like Chelsea but Chelsea is a lot meaner than her. Ricky is like a pit bull while Chelsea is like a bear. She what I mean she is nothing compared to Chelsea.

Whatever just get this started with please. Aubrey said trying not to get on any of the girls bad sides. Not like they had good sides but still.

Okay so when I say go you'll do some jumping spins said the other groupie Chelsea has Max.

Now I know what your thinking why do both of Chelsea's groupies have guy names!? Well this is because when people talk about her and her groupies she didn't just want to look the prettiest she also wanted to sound the prettiest. Ricky's fully name is Rachel. And max's full name is Maxine. See they both have beautiful names and Chelsea couldn't deal with that do she made them guy names. And what totally isn't fair is they make the names work just because they're pretty like what the heck!? Well anyway lets go back from my thoughts now.

So you guys got that? Max asked to make sure we were listening. Max is the nicest of the group.

Yup we got it Chelsea said before I could even get a word out.

Okay ready go said Max right after Chelsea said that. Now she may be the nicest person in the group but that doesn't mean she's a nice person. She's just the nicest of the group.

Then Chelsea took off speeding then jumped up in the air spun and landed perfectly.

Lets see you do that dork Chelsea hissed.

I'm not a dork I replied. But I can do that I lied. I knew what was going to happen and so did everyone else. I was going to try it then fall flat on my butt. I tried it anyway though.

I took of speeding straight ahead and jumped up in the air and started spinning. Then came the focusing while still spinning I tried to land. As I came close to the ground I touched one foot on it then the other. I wobbled as I tried to stand after landing. But as soon as I almost got my balance Chelsea came speeding towards me put out one of her legs and tripped me. And with that I feel flat on my but. But of course Chelsea didn't she just snickered and put her leg back down to maintain balance.


Are you implying that I cheated!? Chelsea said with a fake hurt look on her face.

Yea I am. Cuz that's exactly what you did and you know it too.

Sweaty I don't need to cheat to win against you. Then with that she started cracking up and left.

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