At school (Jessica's p.o.v)

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In homeroom it's so boring I try to be invisible I already feel like I am invisible anyway. No one really cares that i'm there it's my science and art class that I enjoy the most. They are both so fun.


That was the bell art class time!!!

Come on Jessica. my friends say as I head out to walk with them

And then he broke up with me like "sob" I still like him though "sob". my friend says going on about some kind of drama about boys

It's okay don't worry about it. said my other friend. When I walk with them I feel like I'm walking beside them not next to them

Thanks "sniffle"Miley "sniffle". Marie said

Your welcome bye Marie. Miley said as they parted ways to go to separate classes. Miley is in my art class and she sits at my table with me Aubrey and some other people.

There he is. I said to myself as the certain someone that I have just like a tiny crush on walked into the room and over to his table. Oh if only I could get just a little bit of his attention. I mean I used to have his attention when I sat next to him then we got stupid free seating. Which I both love and hate. Then thoughts ran through my head about what I though and people said.

"He likes you" said the thing I always though when I have a crush

"No he doesn't like you" said another though I also always have when I have a crush

"He's going to ask you out" said the though that my friend told me

"He's so cute just keep staring at him" said another though I get with every crush I have

Then he started walking over to my table.

Act cool. I said turning to my friends

Yea I think we'll be okay. said all my friends at the table

Hey Jessica. he said with his dreamy eyes and his smooth voice

Hahahahahahaha. I laughed uncontrollably probably looking like an idiot. I mean sup.i said not helping myself

Okay then. he said then faced towards Aubrey. Hey you wana go out with me!? he said asking Aubrey

Then I just ran out of the room crying

I'm sorry but I can't do that. Aubrey said running after me

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